International Skeletal Society
Interdisciplinary society dedicated to the learning, understanding, and teaching of musculoskeletal disorders.
ID: 1707081574926135297
https://internationalskeletalsociety.com/ 27-09-2023 17:15:50
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Don’t miss out, there’s still time to register for the MSK 2023 Global Musculoskeletal Societies Joint Meeting! The meeting will be taking place from October 8th-13th in London, England. If you can’t join us in-person, you can attend virtually as well! internationalskeletalsociety.com/msk-2023-globa…

CALL FOR CASES AND ABSTRACTS - 2024 ISS Annual Meeting There is still time to submit your Case and Abstract for the 2024 Annual Meeting! Case submissions are due 1/31, and Abstract submissions are due 2/16. More information can be found on the ISS website internationalskeletalsociety.com/iss-2024-call-…

Please join us for our next ISS DEI webinar! Our next session is entitled "How to Be A Great Radiology Leader". Monday, February 19th, at 12:00pm EST. Presented by Dr. Bruce Forster Bruce Forster us06web.zoom.us/webinar/regist…

The ISS recently had a successful Outreach Program in Muscat, Oman! Thank you to the 63 attendees and to the ISS Faculty! Faculty: Kambiz Motamedi, Marcelo Bordalo, David McKean Regional ISS Organizer: Ramy Mansour

ISS Members, don't forget to apply for a Research Seed Grant or an Early Career Grant! This year we are offering: - 2 Research Seed Grants of $30,000 each - 3 Early Career Grants of $4,000 each Deadline - 4/7/24 More information can be found here - internationalskeletalsociety.com/iss-grants

Don't forget to apply for a Research Seed Grant or an Early Career Grant! The deadline to apply is this Sunday - 4/7 We are offering: - 2 Research Seed Grants of $30,000 each - 3 Early Career Grants of $4,000 each More information can be found here - internationalskeletalsociety.com/iss-grants

Join us for the first session of the new MSK Potpourri track at the 2024 MSK Refresher Course! Our first session will focus on Knee MRI - Arthoscopic Correlation. The MSK Refresher Course begins on 9/18 at the 50th ISS Annual Meeting. Register today! internationalskeletalsociety.com/2024-50th-annu…