ID: 1551558703605813250
25-07-2022 13:23:43
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Robert Abel When I was a kid, 62 now, my Dad watching the budget would often say "They'll tax the air we breath next". That's just what's happening now. At school I was told we're heading to a new Ice Age🙄 There's more👇
Old-Newspaper125 What did Jesus say when everyone asked him what his opinion was when a woman was caught in adultery? Let him without sin cast the first stone. One by one, they all walked away. Oh, she was caught texting on shift... Ffs. You have never texted on shift? Hypocrites!
It's like this: had Cheshire Police had Prof Mike Hall, Dr Dimitrova, or Dr Jane Hawdon as their expert - ie an actual neonatologist, instead of a personality-disordered fraud and grifter - Evans, There would have been no #LucyLetby 'case'. #FreeLucyLetby #LucyLetbyInnocent
So after 16 years, a new manager has decided the station cat must be evicted due to “infection control/allergy concerns” of which no complaints have been received. Please sign! He’s the sweetest and cheers up hardworking frontline staff no end #SaveDefib change.org/p/save-defib-t…