Ismo♡ (@ismo_cs) 's Twitter Profile


17 y/o (:
cs for @AstralisCS W☆
@JBOENcs ♡

ID: 1282063316383338498

calendar_today11-07-2020 21:25:02

683 Tweet


541 Following

Ismo♡ (@ismo_cs) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Tough day): I will miss these girls so much Thank you for making me feel welcome since the very first day. Hope nothing but the best for you all ❤️

JBOEN🦦 (@jboencs) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Free agent! I'm still searching for new opportunities. I am more motivated than ever to prove myself! I am looking for both danish or international teams For anyone interested, feel free to contact me in my DM📩 Retweets are appreciated❤️

Ismo♡ (@ismo_cs) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Relaxing in beautiful Andalusia, getting ready for the new season Hope everyone is having their best summer! 🫶#astralication

Relaxing in beautiful Andalusia, getting ready for the new season
Hope everyone is having their best summer!  🫶#astralication
Casper Bjerg (@c4zcsgo) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Godt, nu prøver jeg satme lykken. Er der nogen der har personlig erfaring med behandling af seneskedehindebetændelse, eventuelt også i håndledet?🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️ Vil sgu gerne tilbage på grinden, men føler ikke der har været den store ændring i 5 måneders tid😫

Brandon (@bdogcs) 's Twitter Profile Photo

On this episode of Impact Insights! ⭐️Rising star from Astralis Ismo♡ is ready to learn and ready to win 🧠New teammates, intense practice, living and breathing CS 💪With experience from Guild, the team is stronger than ever! 📺Full video in replies🔽

marie💕 (@marietoftt) 's Twitter Profile Photo

hi i need help in every game i play my pc just starts to stutter lag, like mini lagspikes, not like my fps is shit but like, IDK SOMETHING IS WRONG i play cs, i tp around with mini lags. is it internet? help?

Esport Danmark (@esportdanmark) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Pigerne sidder klar til første kamp i Nordic Championship Women 2024! Kom ind og støt dem i chatten 🇩🇰 🆚 Island 🕔 17:00 📺 #Danmark #Landshold #ESD Sponsorworld #Krifa Jyske Bank Anja Soelberg marie💕 Sofie "Sukkerzhok" Brøndum ASTRALIS KiTKaT Ismo♡ Søren Geertsen

Pigerne sidder klar til første kamp i Nordic Championship Women 2024! Kom ind og støt dem i chatten 🇩🇰

🆚 Island
🕔 17:00

#Danmark #Landshold #ESD 
<a href="/SponsorworldDK/">Sponsorworld</a> #Krifa <a href="/jyskebank/">Jyske Bank</a> 

<a href="/anjacsgo/">Anja Soelberg</a> <a href="/marietoftt/">marie💕</a> <a href="/Sukkerzhok/">Sofie "Sukkerzhok" Brøndum</a> <a href="/KiTKaTCS2/">ASTRALIS KiTKaT</a> <a href="/Ismo_cs/">Ismo♡</a> <a href="/zibronCSGO/">Søren Geertsen</a>
Esport Danmark (@esportdanmark) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Vi bad pigerne om at vinde større i game 2... JOB DONE!✅ GGWP Island Husk at følg med i morgen kl. 09.00 & 16:00 hvor vi møder Finland & Sverige

Vi bad pigerne om at vinde større i game 2...

GGWP Island 

Husk at følg med i morgen kl. 09.00 &amp; 16:00 hvor vi møder Finland &amp; Sverige