NYU's Initiative for the Study of Emerging Threats
A venture of @NYUCGA. The security challenges facing the world are increasingly complex and varied. The Center for Global Affairs helps make sense of them.
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https://bit.ly/2FDkrOu 26-01-2015 18:31:35
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Proud of these NYUGlobalAffairs Masters' students who last semester researched how violent extremists & other malicious actors may harness #AI to recruit, finance, plan & conduct attacks, & evade detection. Also looked at detection tools. Plan to share the report soon! NYU School of Professional Studies NYU's Initiative for the Study of Emerging Threats
Incredibly proud of NYUGlobalAffairs alum Joseph Levin for his work at the @ENDYnews on this case. It's often difficult to publicize the critical work our alumni do in the national security arena, but this is a fabulous example. Congrats Joey! 👏#CGAproud NYU School of Professional Studies bit.ly/48NuIUj
Another NYUGlobalAffairs alum having an important impact on critical security issues. Great work Alex Goldenberg & Network Contagion Research Institute! NYU School of Professional Studies New York University
For the past year, we have had the pleasure of hosting Isabel García as a Non-Resident Fellow NYUGlobalAffairs. Among her research projects during her stay here, is this one - "The Female Jihadist Narrative" out now in the journal Media, War, and Conflict. 👏 NYU School of Professional Studies journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/17…
Kicking off the US Army War College’s 2 day International Strategic Negotiation Exercise on #South #China #Sea NYUGlobalAffairs NYU School of Professional Studies Int'l Strategic Crisis Negotiation Exercise WPS @Sylvia_Maier Carolyn Kissane Chloe Demrovsky Jens Rudbeck
Wrapping up our International Strategic Crisis Negotiation Exercise on the South China Sea with the US Army War College NYUGlobalAffairs NYU School of Professional Studies! Such a talented group of intelligent, enthusiastic Masters’ students. The future is bright🌟 Int'l Strategic Crisis Negotiation Exercise
We are hiring NYUGlobalAffairs ! Looking for full time faculty member (open rank) at the intersection of cyber & the social sciences. Much of our work is connecting academic scholarship to practice so searching for someone who can ideally bridge that divide. apply.interfolio.com/143483
Last week, NYUGlobalAffairs Masters' students briefed the Manhattan DA's office on the current & potential use of #AI by #violent #extremists & other bad actors. The briefing was based on their report for the DA: bit.ly/4cT4G4x Can't wait to see what this group does next! 🎓
Happening now! NYUGlobalAffairs showcase celebrating all of the hard work of our graduates and current students! Great discussion of democracy and excited to celebrate with faculty and graduates the many accomplishments this academic year. NYU School of Professional Studies Jumo Ayandele, Ph.D. WPS Christopher Ankersen
Genuinely *beyond thrilled* to announce that I have just signed a contract with University of California Press to publish my book, "Truth Addict: How to Start Thinking Like a Social Scientist in a Data-Driven World." It's a true passion project & I'm so excited to be writing it! Wish me luck! 😁
Gearing up for the start of our workshop in just hours, co-hosted with Gordon Clubb, Mary Beth Altier, Katharina Meredith, and Md. Didarul Islam.
On 16 July, #DDR participated in the NYU's Initiative for the Study of Emerging Threats workshop on Involving Formers: Developing Standards and Guidelines on P/CVE. #DDR highlighted operational challenges and briefed on the development of UN system-wide guidance on Armed Groups Designated as Terrorist Organizations.
Excellent writeup by Gordon Clubb of the workshop we co-hosted NYUGlobalAffairs NYU School of Professional Studies w/University of Leeds on developing guidelines for the use of former violent extremists in P/CVE work. Such an important discussion & much needed endeavor. New York University NYU Center on International Cooperation (CIC) medium.com/policy-leeds/s…