International Science Council Asia Pacific region
The ISC Regional Focal Point for Asia-Pacific aims to ensure the unique needs & priorities of the region are integrated into the global scientific dialogue.
ID: 1737335603065393152
https://council.science/asia-pacific 20-12-2023 04:54:37
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Please consider participating in and distributing this survey on researchers’ expectations of conferences that Ariane Wenger – a doctoral student at the Transdisciplinarity Lab (TdLab), ETH Zurich, is conducting: ww3.unipark.de/uc/cexp1/. Ariane Wenger [email protected]

We have partnered with One World Media and Financial Times to support the work of a Global South filmmaker who wants to explore and portray underrepresented stories of how climate affects labor and working conditions in Global South communities. Apply today! 👉 bit.ly/grantFilmCL

Join The University of the South Pacific PaCE-SD PhD candidate Moleni Tu'uholoaki this Friday 2 August as he presents on his thesis topic: Enhancing Coastal Inundation Early Warning Capacity for Tonga through improved Tropical Cyclone Risk Knowledge. Zoom link available👉usp.ac.fj/pace-sd/semina…

We are excited to share the shortlist for the International Science Council global pilot Science Missions for Sustainability. From 250 EOIs, most of the 23 shortlisted are in the Global South! Looking forward to next steps as they are matched with funders. Congrats to our successful Asia-Pacific bids 👏

The ISC's Science Director Vanessa McBride explores mission science and its potential for achieving the #SDGs and planetary #Sustainability at the International Astronomy Union's General Assembly Vanessa McBride 💉 IAU GA 2024 🌍 IAU-OAD SKA Observatory CERN International Astronomical Union (IAU) council.science/blog/big-missi…

📢 Announcing our Asia-Pacific Academic Mentoring Program mentors and mentees for 2024/25! We were thrilled to welcome the 10 Australia & New Zealand mentors & 10 mentees from the Pacific Islands at the Australian Academy of Science 70th anniversary celebrations. 👉council.science/academic-mento…