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#SupplyChain, #LastMile solutions to improve #PublicHealth in over 65 countries. #PFSCM. #GlobalHealth #GlobalDev #malaria #HIV #tuberculosis #SupplyChainHeroes

ID: 208434833

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i+solutions is excited about this huge milestone and is ready to support countries with future supplies, vaccination planning, in-country distribution and roll-out together with strategic partner Palladium. Joint capabilities here: iplussolutions.org/isolutions-and… who.int/news/item/24-0…

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i+solutions supports Burundi orphanage Staff at i+solutions donated clothes, toys and sanitary articles to the Centre Isange orphanage in Bujumbura. We thank our staff and our trusted partner Bolloré Sylvain for support and sponsoring. Read the full article iplussolutions.org/isolutions-sup…

i+solutions (@iplussolutions) 's Twitter Profile Photo

i+solutions has successfully handed over a shipment of HIV treatments to WHO Syria. In a world increasingly affected by conflict, disasters and economic crises, the fight against AIDS, TB and malaria must not be forgotten. Read the story: iplussolutions.org/hiv-treatments… #UniteToFight

i+solutions (@iplussolutions) 's Twitter Profile Photo

i+academy's online course on Hygiene Concepts, Cross-contamination risks and Cleaning Validation, has ended with a resounding success: 20 of the 22 participants completed the course and received a certificate, which makes for a completion rate of 92%. iplussolutions.org/online-course-…

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i+solutions is very proud to be part of the global effort to source and deliver COVID-PPE. Together with @BolloreLog, logenix and Maersk will ensure the products are delivered on-time, in full and in good condition. Read the full article iplussolutions.org/procuring-covi…

i+solutions (@iplussolutions) 's Twitter Profile Photo

i+solutions has room for 2 more Supply Chain Specialists on the team! One Russian or Chinese speaker, the other Arabic speaking. Russian/Chinese speaking iplussolutions.org/careers/supply… Arabic speaking iplussolutions.org/careers/supply… #NowHiring #supplychain

i+solutions has room for 2 more Supply Chain Specialists on the team! One Russian or Chinese speaker, the other Arabic speaking.

Russian/Chinese speaking 
Arabic speaking

#NowHiring #supplychain
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Procuring essential medicines and delivering them to over 70 countries is not an easy task, especially when the destination is challenging. Read about it here: Urgent delivery to Myanmar iplussolutions.org/pss-shipments-…

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Enrolment open for flagship courses on i+academy. This is a unique offer for 2021. i+solutions ouvre l'inscription à ses cours phares sur i+academy. Il s'agit d'une offre unique pour 2021. More information and prices: [email protected] iplusacademy.org

i+solutions (@iplussolutions) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Last month, together with our LSP Maersk, we have successfully arranged a dedicated charter to Guinea Bissau, for a very urgent shipment of 97 pallets of paediatric treatments. Full story here: iplussolutions.org/urgent-shipmen… #Maersk #logistics #alltheway

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Military convoy for shipment into CAR. A few months ago, i+solutions’ shipment of HIV treatments to Bangui in CAR got stuck at the border of Cameroon. Read the full story here iplussolutions.org/military-convo…

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i+solutions has issued a Request for Proposal for the supply of medical oxygen solutions to low- and middle-income countries. For more information and to download the RFP documents follow this link iplussolutions.org/request-for-pr…

i+solutions has issued a Request for Proposal for the supply of medical oxygen solutions to low- and middle-income countries. For more information and to download the RFP documents follow this link iplussolutions.org/request-for-pr…
i+solutions (@iplussolutions) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Joint Medical Stores (JMS) Uganda as prime and i+solutions as key sub-contractor, have been awarded a USAID funded 5-yr contract for the procurement and delivery of HIV commodities for the Private Not-For-Profit (PNFP) Sector in Uganda. Read about it here iplussolutions.org/usaid-uganda-p…

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Today, Thursday 16 September, we join the world in celebrating Global Female (Internal) Condom Day – an annual day of education & advocacy dedicated to female (internal) #condoms! #GlobalFemaleCondomDay #GlobalInternalCondomDay #FC2Condoms

Today, Thursday 16 September, we join the world in celebrating Global Female (Internal) Condom Day – an annual day of education & advocacy dedicated to female (internal) #condoms!
#GlobalFemaleCondomDay #GlobalInternalCondomDay #FC2Condoms
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Together with Gemeenten4GlobalGoals, @VNG, SDG Nederland, UN Global Compact Network Netherlands and Ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken i+solutions is raising the Global Goals Flag to celebrate that six years ago the SDGs have been embraced as THE agenda to reach a sustainable, inclusive world. #TenPrinciples #togetherfortheSDGs

Together with <a href="/G4GlobalGoals/">Gemeenten4GlobalGoals</a>, @VNG, <a href="/SDGNederland/">SDG Nederland</a>, <a href="/GlobalCompactNL/">UN Global Compact Network Netherlands</a> and <a href="/MinBZ/">Ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken</a> i+solutions is raising the Global Goals Flag to celebrate that six years ago the SDGs have been embraced as THE agenda to reach a sustainable, inclusive world.  #TenPrinciples #togetherfortheSDGs
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We would like to thank our donors and all our clients, suppliers, logistic service providers, staff, consultants, students and other stakeholders for contributing to our mission of saving and improving lives in 2021. Happy holidays and a safe and healthy new year!

i+solutions (@iplussolutions) 's Twitter Profile Photo

In a crisis like #COVID19, #stockouts can occur and leave #FamilyPlanning clients without their method. Learn how investing in #SupplyChain management can help: fphighimpactpractices.org/briefs/supply-… #HIPs4FP

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i+solutions launches the i+webshop, an order intake tool for the procurement of high quality health commodities at an affordable price. Available in five languages! Have a look, click on the link below, leave a comment! ipluswebshop.org #supplychain #webshop #procurement

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The The Global Fund's replenishment target is 18 billion dollars. A record amount, but if the world abandons the fight against HIV, TB and malaria the cost will be so much higher. These diseases know no boundaries, this fight regards all countries, all people. youtube.com/watch?v=2BBEgo…

i+solutions (@iplussolutions) 's Twitter Profile Photo

i+solutions is proud to announce the appointment of Prashant Yadav as a new member of its Supervisory Board. Prashant brings with him an immense experience in global health supply chains. Please read the full announcement here linkedin.com/feed/update/ur… #globalhealth #supplychains

i+solutions is proud to announce the appointment of <a href="/Prof_Yadav_SCM/">Prashant Yadav</a> as a new member of its Supervisory Board. Prashant brings with him an immense experience in global health supply chains. Please read the full announcement here linkedin.com/feed/update/ur…
#globalhealth #supplychains