IoTAC_H2020 receives funding from @EU_H2020 and aims to deliver a secure and privacy-friendly IoT architecture to enable more resilient IoT service environments
ID: 1334227190779695111 02-12-2020 20:06:15
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Reinforcement learning can reduce the electricity consumption in an edge system by 10-15%. Research carried out by Professor Erol Gelenbe in the IoTAC project thereby contributes to reducing CO2 emissions! Read more ➡️ #H2020 #emissions #Sustainability
Congratulations Rob van Kranenburg!
The new #HorizonEU DOSSproject_HE will use the results of the #IoTACproject for further research to improve the #security and #reliability of #IoT operations. You are kindly invited to follow the research and results DOSSproject_HE!
The #HorizonEU DOSSproject_HE uses the results of the #IoTACproject for further research to improve the #security and #reliability of #IoT operations. You are kindly invited to follow the research and results DOSSproject_HE!
In IoTAC, we built #vulnerabilityprediction models that were based on traditional #textmining techniques and #ML learning algorithms. The DOSSproject_HE will extend our prior work with AI technologies, focusing on Large Language Models (LLMs) that have emerged recently.
2023 was an important year for the IoTAC_H2020. We completed the project with the successful #validation of the IoTAC platform in 4 pilots, in 4 different #IoT domains. The #secure IoTAC platform will be utilized as one of the modules in the recently launched DOSSproject_HE.
The IoTAC_H2020 was one of the almost 35,000 projects that received funding from the EU's #H2020 research and innovation programme to contribute to a more #cybersecure and #cyberresilient 🇪🇺!
Within WP2 "Establishment of the Supply Trust Chain" we have outlined the #security requirements essential for safeguarding the #IoT #supplychain. See our list of 18 security requirement categories ➡️… Universidad Murcia Red Alert Labs ΕΚΕΤΑ-CERTH TECNALIA