Joel Williams
Soil health educator, rethinking soils through a lens of biology.
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http://integratedsoils.com 06-04-2017 18:46:31
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Second session of the day in the soil tent at GO Falkland led by AHDB Henny Lowth with Ali Karley from James Hutton Institute Joel Williams Joel Williams and David Cunningham from HADES-OF-DODS . Looking at cropping for soil health .

For years I’ve sworn I’ll pop by the SE Research Farm at Redvers the next time going back to Winnipeg from Regina, or on the way to Regina. Yesterday I finally got a chance to get there and see the work Lana at SE Research Farm and the rest of the crew do for farmers. Cool work

Plant Disease resistance, increasing production/lowering inputs, soil carbon, multi species pastures and plant nutrition - Joel Williams Joel Williams, grant sims and Richard Doyle will be discussing all at our Moree workshop. See you there tix.yt/future-proofing !

Warm Season Cover crop from Covers & Co. has been utilizing the recent hot and humid weather to its fullest potential. 30 days since emergence in this photo.

📢New study! Modern wheat has a diminished beneficial root microbiome. Important implications for transition to low input farming - we need to boost the bugs! 🌱🧫 Tessa Reid Tim Mauchline Full story 👇 rothamsted.ac.uk/news/modern-wh…

Not long now- have you got your tickets yet? Joel Williams Joel Williams, grant sims , Richard Doyle and @nviromedia film “Thankful for Soils. To book go to tix.yt/future-proofing

Resilient farming starts from the below the ground & managing the soil biota, from bacteria to #DungBeetles, is crucial for sustainable food production… Great discussion with Joel Williams & Peter Green Cornish Mutual 🐄🐏💩🪱🦠🍄🟫🪲🌱🌾 cornishmutual.co.uk/news-advice/fa…

Join our 2024 Soil Farmer of the Year winners as they host farm walks to demonstrate why they were selected. 🤔Not sure?! FREE, fantastic opportunities to learn & network! Find out more⬇️ eventbrite.co.uk/o/farm-carbon-… #soil #soilhealth Innovation for Agriculture Cotswold Seeds Hutchinsons

Neat new work out of James Cook Uni that my group (Woodwell Climate Research Center) contributed to. Take away: traditional aboriginal fire regimes stored more soil carbon in Australian savannas suggesting that restoring more frequent fire return intervals would sequester CO2. publish.csiro.au/WF/WF24006

Please see the full conference program. It should be an exciting few days of learning and sharing. We are thrilled to be part of it. Vic No-Till Matthew Evans Joel Williams

Mixed Grazing Increases Abundance of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi in Upland Welsh Grasslands mdpi.com/2571-8789/8/3/… h/t Peter Byck Carbon Cowboys cc. CSU, Chico Center for Regenerative Agriculture Kris Nichols Joel Williams John Kempf Sustainable Food Trust Sam Knowlton Understanding Ag Acres U.S.A. Matthias C. Rillig