ISI (@institute_si) 's Twitter Profile


We are the only human rights NGO dedicated to promoting the right to a nationality globally.

ID: 273551760

link calendar_today28-03-2011 18:18:28

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UnitedStateless (@unitedstateless) 's Twitter Profile Photo

✨ Exciting news! Our stateless advocate,Daiana Lilo, is now a first-year law student at @TulaneLaw. Her journey shows incredible resilience as she continues to advocate for stateless individuals like herself. Read more:…

✨ Exciting news! Our stateless advocate,<a href="/DaianaLilo/">Daiana Lilo</a>, is now a first-year law student at <a href="/TulaneLaw/">@TulaneLaw</a>. Her journey shows incredible resilience as she continues to advocate for stateless individuals like herself.  Read more:…
Family Frontiers #sayaJUGAanakMalaysia (@familyfrontiers) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Warga-warga Malaysia menyuarakan sokongan mereka terhadap #PindaPerkara14UntukIbu dalam video ini. Kami harap yang ahli-ahli Parlimen akan membuat keputusan yang terbaik bagi semua wanita Malaysia dan anak-anak mereka yang dilahirkan di luar negara. 🎥: The Fourth

Bina Jaya (@binajaya4) 's Twitter Profile Photo

"Drop the regressive amendments, especially Article 1(a), and proceed with the Malaysian mothers' amendment. Malaysian women have long awaited this historic moment—it's time for justice. 📢💪#PindaPerkara14UntukIbu Anwar Ibrahim Hannah Yeoh Nancy Shukri

@EndStatelessness (@endstatele63020) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Today, 14 October, we are launching the Global Alliance to End Statelessness. You can follow the event online starting at 10:00 CET (Geneva time) via the UN Web TV #UniteToEndStatelessness…

SALAM DHR (@salam_dhr) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Today we joined الشبكة الإقليمية حول انعدام الجنسية (هويتي) stand during Global Alliance to End Statelessness Global Alliance to End Statelessness launch at HLS in #UN HRC #Geneva . You can watch the event online via the UN Web TV livestream… #UniteToEndStatelessness

Southern African Nationality Network (SANN) (@networksouthern) 's Twitter Profile Photo

We are at the High-Level Segment on Statelessness in Geneva for the launch of the Global Alliance to Global Alliance to End Statelessness. We look forward to working with UNHCR Southern Africa SADC States & our partners in driving urgent & meaningful action to address #statelessness in Southern Africa🌍🤲🏾

We are at the High-Level Segment on Statelessness in Geneva for the launch of the Global Alliance to <a href="/EndStatelessns/">Global Alliance to End Statelessness</a>. We look forward to working with <a href="/UNHCRSouthernAF/">UNHCR Southern Africa</a> SADC States &amp; our partners in driving urgent &amp; meaningful action to address #statelessness in Southern Africa🌍🤲🏾
Nationality Campaign (@eql_nationality) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Our Event at #ExCom: Effective strategies against statelessness – dialogue with the UNHCR Assistant High Commissioner for Protection and civil society changemaker Exchange on effective multi-stakeholder strategies against statelessness and how to accelerate change.

Our Event at #ExCom: Effective strategies against statelessness – dialogue with the UNHCR Assistant High Commissioner for Protection and civil society changemaker

Exchange on effective multi-stakeholder strategies against statelessness and how to accelerate change.
Global Movement Against Statelessness (@nostatelessness) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Our co-lead, Christy Chitengu , spoke at the Nationality Campaign event on effective strategies against statelessness. Christy emphasised the importance of meaningful partnership and power-sharing within Global Alliance to End Statelessness to ensure its effectiveness and impact. #ExCom #statelessness

Our co-lead, <a href="/ChitenguChristy/">Christy Chitengu</a> , spoke at the <a href="/EQL_Nationality/">Nationality Campaign</a> event on effective strategies against statelessness. Christy emphasised the importance of meaningful partnership and power-sharing within <a href="/EndStatelessns/">Global Alliance to End Statelessness</a> to ensure its effectiveness and impact. 

#ExCom #statelessness
Filippo Grandi (@filippograndi) 's Twitter Profile Photo

The #IBelong campaign shows that ending statelessness is possible. After 10 years, a new chapter begins with the Global Alliance to #EndStatelessness, which we launched today in Geneva. UNHCR remains fully committed to this crucial aspect of its mandate.

Nationality Campaign (@eql_nationality) 's Twitter Profile Photo

We are extremely proud of our dear coalition member दोस्रो दर्जाकी Deepti Gurung, the recipient of this year's UNHCR #NansenAward for Asia. Deepti's tireless activism is helping to bring the world closer to realizing equal nationality rights for women everywhere!

We are extremely proud of our dear coalition member <a href="/DeeptiGurung1/">दोस्रो दर्जाकी Deepti Gurung</a>, the recipient of this year's UNHCR #NansenAward for Asia. Deepti's tireless activism is helping to bring the world closer to realizing equal nationality rights for women everywhere!
Nationality Campaign (@eql_nationality) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Malaysia could lead the way on gender equality 🇲🇾 Anwar Ibrahim, by passing the amendment granting citizenship to overseas-born children of Malaysian mothers retroactively, and halting regressive amendments, Malaysia would set an example for other countries! #EqualityForAll

Malaysia could lead the way on gender equality 🇲🇾 

<a href="/anwaribrahim/">Anwar Ibrahim</a>, by passing the amendment granting citizenship to overseas-born children of Malaysian mothers retroactively, and halting regressive amendments, Malaysia would set an example for other countries! 

ISI (@institute_si) 's Twitter Profile Photo

🇲🇾 #Malaysia can end #nationality law #discrimination by granting #citizenship to overseas-born children of Malaysian mothers and rejecting changes that increase #statelessness. Saifuddin Nasution Ismail Dr Haji Wan Junaidi Wisma Putra

European Network on Statelessness (@enstatelessness) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Great presentation by Tahera Hasan about SDCC AP ‘s rapid development & impact seeking to address #statelessness in Asia, and what remains to be done - including through the Global Alliance to EndStatelessns

Great presentation by Tahera Hasan about <a href="/sdcc_ap/">SDCC AP</a> ‘s rapid development &amp; impact seeking to address #statelessness in Asia, and what remains to be done - including through the Global Alliance to EndStatelessns
Nationality for All (@nationality4all) 's Twitter Profile Photo

"Reform is necessary to ensure no child is left behind, no mother is denied the right to pass on her nationality, and statelessness is relegated to the books of history." Citizenship Affected People’s Network, Nepal Here's a snippet of Deepti's powerful acceptance speech during the UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency #NansenAward.

Family Frontiers #sayaJUGAanakMalaysia (@familyfrontiers) 's Twitter Profile Photo

The debate for the Constitutional (Amendment) Bill 2024, which includes #PindaPerkara14UntukIbu is starting now! Stream it here:… [Live update thread 👇]

UK Mission Geneva 🇬🇧 (@ukmissiongeneva) 's Twitter Profile Photo

“Statelessness is • Disenfranchisement • Disempowerment • A gross Human Rights Violation” Neha Gurung Tonight we hosted a powerful film screening with Nationality Campaign Nationality for All Everyone deserves the right to a nationality without discrimination.

“Statelessness is 
• Disenfranchisement 
• Disempowerment
• A gross Human Rights Violation”
Neha Gurung 
Tonight we hosted a powerful film screening with <a href="/EQL_Nationality/">Nationality Campaign</a>  <a href="/nationality4all/">Nationality for All</a>

Everyone deserves the right to a nationality without discrimination.
Fortify Rights (@fortifyrights) 's Twitter Profile Photo

#Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh camps continue to face challenges, including restrictions on movement, education, and livelihoods. Hear more in Fortify Rights Zaw Win's conversation with Cii Radio. 🎧 Listen to the full interview: