JPD Studio®
Digital storytellers on a mission to create a ripple effect of empowerment and visibility. Women & minority led.
ID: 96071510
http://jpdstudio.com 11-12-2009 06:18:38
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We loved working with FigureSkatinginDET to create this new landing page featuring their girls, Gal Gadot and details of the new National Geographic IMPACT Docuseries! bit.ly/fsd-impact

Rising star of astronomy: Jedidah Isler 🙌🔥 Astronomy Magazine Jedidah Isler, PhD astronomy.com/magazine/news/…

Very proud to be part of putting this lovely piece together. Huge shoutout to JPD Studio® for leading the visual design process throughout with much flexibility and beauty. Check it out! 👇🏾

.Eva Longoria Baston speaking on the importance of #Latinx stories in the media and representation at #SXSW2023.

Hey y’all, I don’t like this picture of me, but I do like the stuff I said in this article so give it a read! Crain's New York Love, Bea ☺️

Attending Station3 - Web3 Hub NYC's monthly community meetup. Such an impressive space that backs web3 creators with events and grants. Well done Bob Loukas 🗽🫡

Happy publication day roxane gay! From the New York Times bestselling author of Bad Feminist and Hunger comes a stunning retrospective of essays and writings from the last decade covering politics, race and identity, feminism, popular culture, and more. Pick up your copy now.

“Laughter is one of the few emotions that robs your pain of its power” Trevor Noah interviewed by Esther Perel at @SXSW #SWSW2024