Inclusive Greens of Aotearoa New Zealand
Disability network of the Green Party of Aotearoa New Zealand. Auth. Miriam Ross. L5, 108 The Terrace, Wellington
ID: 1581873755315326976
https://www.greens.org.nz/inclusive_greens 17-10-2022 05:05:07
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Mihi to our co-leader & IG member member Chlöe Swarbrick for championing consensus-building so ppl w/ ADHD face fewer barriers to treatment. Mihi also to Dr Hanne who put his ability to practice on the line by continuing treating his patients w/ ADHD 1news.co.nz/2024/05/05/rul…

As Ricardo Menéndez says, poverty is a political choice. Time to end sanctions. Also, recognise disabled ppl know our own income & job support needs best & overhaul welfare support accordingly. rnz.co.nz/news/political…

Great rally against Whaikaha funding cuts at Parliament today! Inclusive Greens and many of our Green MPs were there today and we joined many other speakers in sharing these messages Speaking Co-Convenors Jonty carroll Áine (they/them) and Kahurangi Carter MP

Inclusive Greens exec members Jonty carroll Áine (they/them) and Elliot Yates at parliament today

This Govt is taking us backwards by ditching the subsidy which would've ensured all disabled ppl can be paid a min wage along w/ everyone else - the entire point of a MINIMUM is it's the floor w/o any exceptions. Appreciate Ricardo Menéndez advocacy here nzherald.co.nz/nz/politics/as…