Marcie Roth (@iemstrategies) 's Twitter Profile
Marcie Roth


CEO@WID_org @Forbes50over50 Obama44 @FEMA Disability Rights & Justice inclusion accessibility & busting siloes DiDRR Climate SDGs FightForRightUkraine 💙🌻💙♿️

ID: 54237089

link calendar_today06-07-2009 15:38:13

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The Partnership for Inclusive Disaster Strategies (@disasterstrat) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Donate to Global Alliance for Disaster Resource Acceleration Ukraine response supporting fightforrightngo 🇺🇦, Ukrainian disability-led organization doing the on-the-ground work, saving lives of people with disabilities. Text WID to 20222 for a $10, or WORLD to 20222 for a $25 donation.

Donate to <a href="/DisabilityGADRA/">Global Alliance for Disaster Resource Acceleration</a> Ukraine response supporting <a href="/fightforrightua/">fightforrightngo 🇺🇦</a>, Ukrainian disability-led organization doing the on-the-ground work, saving lives of people with disabilities.
Text WID to 20222 for a $10, or WORLD to 20222 for a $25 donation.
The Partnership for Inclusive Disaster Strategies (@disasterstrat) 's Twitter Profile Photo

No portion of any amount donated is held by participating wireless providers, 100% of all donations are passed through at 100% to this effort. All mobile users can obtain a tax receipt for their donations made via text message by visiting:

The Partnership for Inclusive Disaster Strategies (@disasterstrat) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Mobile users can donate up to $100 per 30 consecutive days. #Ukraine #Ukrainians #Disabilities #Escape #Evacuate #SlavaUkraini #RussianInvasion #SaveUkraine #Donate #FightForRight

Global Alliance for Disaster Resource Acceleration (@disabilitygadra) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Help us support Ukrainians with disabilities by making a text message donation! Text WID to 20222 to donate $10 to the World Institute on Disability in support of Ukrainians with disabilities. Text WORLD to 20222 to make a $25 donation.

Help us support Ukrainians with disabilities by making a text message donation! 

Text WID to 20222 to donate $10 to the World Institute on Disability in support of Ukrainians with disabilities. Text WORLD to 20222 to make a $25 donation.
The Partnership for Inclusive Disaster Strategies (@disasterstrat) 's Twitter Profile Photo

You can help #Ukrainians with #Disabilities Escape the Invasion Text WID to 20222 to donate $10 Text WORLD to 20222 to donate $25 Donations will support Global Alliance for Disaster Resource Acceleration, Ukrainian disability-led fightforrightngo 🇺🇦, & United States veterans on the ground to help #Disabled people

Disability-inclusive DRR Network (@didrrn) 's Twitter Profile Photo

"If you live in a #resilient community that is committed to #accessibility and universal design, you will have a far better chance of not being left behind before, during, or after a #disaster." Marcie Roth, Executive Director of World Institute on Disability #GPDRR2022 UNDRR

"If you live in a #resilient community that is committed to #accessibility and universal design, you will have a far better chance of not being left behind before, during, or after a #disaster."
Marcie Roth, Executive Director of <a href="/WID_org/">World Institute on Disability</a> 
#GPDRR2022 <a href="/UNDRR/">UNDRR</a>
Disability-inclusive DRR Network (@didrrn) 's Twitter Profile Photo

"So to be clear, investing in social protection, in accessibility, and #inclusion, are for the resilience of the whole community." Marcie Roth, Executive Director of World Institute on Disability #GPDRR2022 UNDRR

"So to be clear, investing in social protection, in accessibility, and #inclusion, are for the resilience of the whole community."
Marcie Roth, Executive Director of <a href="/WID_org/">World Institute on Disability</a> 
#GPDRR2022 <a href="/UNDRR/">UNDRR</a>
Disability-inclusive DRR Network (@didrrn) 's Twitter Profile Photo

"We, disability community leaders understand that you don't quite know how to do this. It's okay. Pass the mic, make room at the planning table, pay us if others are being paid. We have a lot to contribute." Marcie Roth, Executive Director of World Institute on Disability #GPDRR2022 UNDRR

"We, disability community leaders understand that you don't quite know how to do this. It's okay. Pass the mic, make room at the planning table, pay us if others are being paid. We have a lot to contribute."
Marcie Roth, Executive Director of <a href="/WID_org/">World Institute on Disability</a> 
#GPDRR2022 <a href="/UNDRR/">UNDRR</a>
G3ict (@g3ict) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Global economic losses from natural disasters topped $270 billion in 2021. This still fails to account for the global economic impact of acquired #disabilities writes Shane Kanady in part 2 of the Improving Data & Public Policy blog series:

Global economic losses from natural disasters topped $270 billion in 2021. This still fails to account for the global economic impact of acquired #disabilities writes Shane Kanady in part 2 of the Improving Data &amp; Public Policy blog series:
Alice Wong 王美華 (@sfdirewolf) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Please give if you can. "Lois Curtis is dying. Rapidly. She does not have life insurance to cover funeral and burial expenses. Please consider contributing towards a proper send off for this woman, this icon, this force, this pure and noble spirit."

Dina Titus (@repdinatitus) 's Twitter Profile Photo

.Judy Heumann Legacy transformed our society and brought international attention to discrimination against people with disabilities. I am deeply saddened to hear this news. My condolences go out to her family, friends, and the community.…

World Institute on Disability (@wid_org) 's Twitter Profile Photo

May 24, 2023 marks 40 years since WID was incorporated as an organization! As we continue to celebrate our 40th anniversary, you can help us continue to advance the rights and opportunities of over one billion people with disabilities by making a donation:

May 24, 2023 marks 40 years since WID was incorporated as an organization! As we continue to celebrate our 40th anniversary, you can help us continue to advance the rights and opportunities of over one billion people with disabilities by making a donation:
World Institute on Disability (@wid_org) 's Twitter Profile Photo

WID is excited to announce the publication of our Health Equity Workbooks for Centers for Independent Living and Community-Based Organizations, a hands-on planning strategy to build long term partnerships with Health Departments:

WID is excited to announce the publication of our Health Equity Workbooks for Centers for Independent Living and Community-Based Organizations, a hands-on planning strategy to build long term partnerships with Health Departments:
Marcie Roth (@iemstrategies) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Yuliia Sachuk fightforrightngo 🇺🇦 Oh, i am so very sorry! May she rest in POWER and her memory forever be a blessing! FFR is an amazing legacy for Daria’s daughter. To all of the grieving FFR leaders, all of your friends who love you so much will be by your side as you continue to your victory. Slava Ukrania!

World Institute on Disability (@wid_org) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Registration is now open for WID’s 40th Anniversary Virtual Celebration! Join us on Nov 7 at 12PM EST/4PM UTC for our virtual event celebration which will feature special guests, entertainment, and findings from our Strategic Planning Sessions. Register:

Registration is now open for WID’s 40th Anniversary Virtual Celebration!

Join us on Nov 7 at 12PM EST/4PM UTC for our virtual event celebration which will feature special guests, entertainment, and findings from our Strategic Planning Sessions. 
The Partnership for Inclusive Disaster Strategies (@disasterstrat) 's Twitter Profile Photo

#Disabled impacted by #HurricaneIdalia need help? #Discapacitade impactade por el #huracán #Idalia, necesita ayuda? Call/text (Llame/envie un mensaje de texto) Disability & Disaster Hotline 800.626.4959 In collaboration with the IL Network

#Disabled impacted by #HurricaneIdalia need help?
#Discapacitade impactade por el #huracán #Idalia, necesita ayuda?

Call/text (Llame/envie un mensaje de texto) Disability &amp; Disaster Hotline 800.626.4959

In collaboration with the IL Network