Ida Räsänen
Coordinator for the Horn of Africa at
🇫🇮 🇰🇪 🇸🇴
Tweets are my own.
Also part of @AfricanRy
ID: 1497847908
10-06-2013 09:50:27
370 Tweet
885 Following

Suldaan Said Ahmed A great pleasure to work with you in #Somalia Ida Räsänen Finland in Somalia MFA Finland 🇫🇮 Capitalizing the good results of your trip to #Mogadishu

What a fantastic visit to #Mogadishu with Jaakko Valjus ☀️ Jaakko has been a vital part of our Embassy for the past two months during his diplomatic training. Best of luck on your future adventures!🌍

Today we mark the World Humanitarian Day. With support from MFA Finland 🇫🇮 🇫🇮, Pelastakaa Lapset with Somali Peace Line (Tubta Nabadda Soomaaliyeed) supports the most vulnerable #drought and #conflict affected families in Internally Displaced People (IDP) camps in Abudwaq district. 🇸🇴 #WorldHumanitarianDay

Kiinnostava Helsingin Sanomat artikkeli Afrikan sarven jännitteistä, kannattaa lukea! ⬇️ hs.fi/maailma/art-20…

Finland supports UNICEF Somalia in advancing access to basic #education in Somalia 🇸🇴. Together, we focus on improving learning outcomes for children—especially girls from disadvantaged communities and those affected by conflict and crises. 1/2 #ProtectEducation

Yle aloittaa arabian- ja somalinkieliset uutislähetykset syksyllä 2024.📺 Uutisia tarjolla entistä laajemmalle yleisölle. 👏 Yle Uutiset Lisätietoja: ⬇️ yle.fi/aihe/a/20-1000…