A/Prof Emma Ridley
A/Prof, Lead, Nutrition Program @Monash_SPHPM; @anzicrc; @NHMRC EL Fellow; Crit Care Dietitian @AlfredHealth; Immediate past chair #ANZICSNovIG; Food & wine :)
ID: 2468835818
https://www.monash.edu/medicine/sphpm/anzicrc/research/anzic-rc-nutrition-program 29-04-2014 06:16:33
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Come and see me present INTENT nutrition RCT results in hot trials at 9.15 am I’ll also be at the Baxter stand in the break giving some more details about INTENT nutrition RCT and you can ask questions! Then later today come to key topic updates at 4pm! Intensive Care Society 💙 #SOA24

Can’t wait to connect with 200 clinicians in South Africa for the Fresenius Kabi FRANC SA Advanced Nutrition Course over the next 2 days!

Sorry to miss the award presentation but I watched your presentation Owen Gustafson- great work! And how cool to have an AH professional take out this award with other amazing medical colleagues also in the run! Well done 🙌🏻 #SOA24

A great first session at FRANC SA- including many great local speakers opened by Veronique Donoghue, SASPEN president Anna-Lena du Toit, Ivan Joubert and also great to see our work presented by others too!

Delighted to have our Open Access paper bit.ly/4cdU1Aw on Comm-COS published! Co-led with ProfLouiseR and supported by a stellar author team. A COS of what should be measured in interventions enabling communication in critically ill patients with an artificial airway.

Always fun to contribute to a home grown event by The Alfred- Advanced Mechanical Ventilation (and a little plug for Critical Care Reviews in Dec) Prof Carol Hodgson

Nutrition delivery & the relationship with changes in muscle mass in adult patients receiving #ECMO: A retrospective observational study A/Prof Emma Ridley Prof Carol Hodgson #OpenAccess australiancriticalcare.com/article/S1036-…

Great to have some multidisciplinary colleagues in the room too Thomas Rollinson

Congratulations to the CMR’s, Amy Bongetti, presenting her PhD research on muscle dysfunction in critical illness, at #ESPEN2024 in Milan, Italy. Well done, Amy! #muscle #physiology #Myotwitter #nutrition #metabolism UniMelb MDHS Australian Physiological Society

Hope you enjoyed it Peter Collins 🇦🇺🦘

what a room!! The who’s who! Was thrilled to observe virtually and learn how we might be able to apply this to a platform trial in nutrition Irish Critical Care Clinical Trials Network Christian Stoppe