ICIAM 2023 Tokyo (@iciam2023) 's Twitter Profile
ICIAM 2023 Tokyo


ID: 1133547584595812352

linkhttp://iciam2023.org calendar_today29-05-2019 01:36:19

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Alfio Quarteroni (@alfioquarteroni) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Proud to be awarded the #Lagrange Prize 2023 from ICIAM. "The Lagrange Prize was established to provide international recognition to individual mathematicians who have made an exceptional contribution to applied mathematics throughout their careers". It is awarded every 4 years.

ICIAM 2023 Tokyo (@iciam2023) 's Twitter Profile Photo

The ICIAM2023 reception on the 20th, 19:00-20:30, will be held at RIHGA Royal Hotel Tokyo! #ICIAM2023 #ICIAM2023_committee rihga.com/tokyo

ICIAM 2023 Tokyo (@iciam2023) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Concerning the ICIAM2023, we, committee members and JSIAM twitter/X account 日本応用数理学会, tweet information with the hashtag #ICIAM2023 or #ICIAM2023_committee. Note: JSIAM is one of the organizer societies of the ICIAM2023.

ICIAM 2023 Tokyo (@iciam2023) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Tokyo Intelligencer! #ICIAM2023 #ICIAM2023_committee Note: The original pdf (dropbox.com/scl/fi/0cerhhp…) is 30MB, and the light version (dropbox.com/scl/fi/ji6b7rb…) is 3MB.

ICIAM 2023 Tokyo (@iciam2023) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Warning! Now you cannot buy any transport IC card, "SUICA" or "PASMO" in Japan, except for Narita and Haneda airports, because of a shortage of semiconductor. Remember to buy a "Welcome Suica" or "PASMO PASSPORT" at Narita or Haneda airports. #ICIAM2023 #ICIAM2023_committee

ICIAM 2023 Tokyo (@iciam2023) 's Twitter Profile Photo

The registration desk location will be: Okuma Auditorium = "H" in the map (20th and 21st), Basement in building No.8 = "F" in the map (21st and after). #ICIAM2023 #ICIAM2023_committee

The registration desk location will be:
  Okuma Auditorium              = "H" in the map (20th and 21st),
  Basement in building No.8 = "F" in the map (21st and after).

 #ICIAM2023 #ICIAM2023_committee
ICIAM 2023 Tokyo (@iciam2023) 's Twitter Profile Photo

List of talks/posters! Special lect.(the Olga Tarussky-Todd, ICIAM prize, ICIAM invited, and SIAM prize): iciam2023.org/3488 Mini symposiums, contributed talks, posters, embedding mtgs, and satellite mtgs: iciam2023.org/1833 #ICIAM2023 #ICIAM2023_committee

ICIAM 2023 Tokyo (@iciam2023) 's Twitter Profile Photo

The centers/vending machines to buy the "Welcome Suica" IC card: #ICIAM2023 #ICIAM2023_committee Narita: jreast.co.jp/e/customer_sup… Haneda: jreast.co.jp/e/customer_sup…

ICIAM 2023 Tokyo (@iciam2023) 's Twitter Profile Photo

The places to buy the "PASMO PASSPORT" IC card: #ICIAM2023 #ICIAM2023_committee At Narita and Haneda airports, and a few stations: pasmo.co.jp/visitors/en/bu…

ICIAM 2023 Tokyo (@iciam2023) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Just in case: "Welcome Suica" and "PASMO PASSPORT" are special IC transport cards for overseas travelers. In Tokyo, their features are almost the same. #ICIAM2023 #ICIAM2023_committee

Just in case:

"Welcome Suica" and "PASMO PASSPORT" are special IC transport cards for overseas travelers.
In Tokyo, their features are almost the same.

 #ICIAM2023 #ICIAM2023_committee
ICIAM 2023 Tokyo (@iciam2023) 's Twitter Profile Photo

An unofficial simple MS and CT timetable for ICIAM2023! Note: The following timetable is not official and unreliable. bit.ly/45zv7rn #ICIAM2023 #ICIAM2023_committee

ICIAM 2023 Tokyo (@iciam2023) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Paths/routes recommendation on the 20th, the 21st, and after! For the reception on the 20th: Don't forget going the registration desk at "H" (Okuma Auditorium) before going to the reception venue since you need to bring your name tag there. #ICIAM2023 #ICIAM2023_committee

Paths/routes recommendation on the 20th, the 21st, and after!

For the reception on the 20th: Don't forget going the registration desk at "H" (Okuma Auditorium) before going to the reception venue since you need to bring your name tag there.
 #ICIAM2023 #ICIAM2023_committee
梶原 健司 (a.k.a. 一休) (@ikkyu_kp) 's Twitter Profile Photo

開会式,大隈講堂が満員になりました.壮観.永岡文科大臣,篠原前経団連副会長のご挨拶と無事に進み,最後に受賞者のフォトセッションで終わりました.なお,Lagrange Prizeを受賞したAlfio Quarteroni 先生には来週のForum Math-for-Industry でオンラインでご講演いただきます.

開会式,大隈講堂が満員になりました.壮観.永岡文科大臣,篠原前経団連副会長のご挨拶と無事に進み,最後に受賞者のフォトセッションで終わりました.なお,Lagrange Prizeを受賞したAlfio Quarteroni 先生には来週のForum Math-for-Industry でオンラインでご講演いただきます.
マテマテリア (@mathemateria) 's Twitter Profile Photo

ようやくQRコードを手動で送信してもらい、ネームプレートも白黒ですが印刷してもらいました。グッズは本日用意分がなくなってしまい、明日以降の配布だそう。コーヒーブレイク中なので、一服する。 #ICIAM2023

ようやくQRコードを手動で送信してもらい、ネームプレートも白黒ですが印刷してもらいました。グッズは本日用意分がなくなってしまい、明日以降の配布だそう。コーヒーブレイク中なので、一服する。 #ICIAM2023
ICIAM 2023 Tokyo (@iciam2023) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Zoom's "hardware acceleration option" may cause your PC to freeze during your talk. To avoid this, the following procedure may help you: Go to the zoom settings -> "Video" - > "Advanced" -> Disable or change those options. #ICIAM2023 #ICIAM2023_committee

ICIAM 2023 Tokyo (@iciam2023) 's Twitter Profile Photo

We should use "Zoom Events" at our talk. We cannot use the standard zoom. Be careful! iciam2023.org/3219#Zoom_Even… #ICIAM2023 #ICIAM2023_committee

ICIAM 2023 Tokyo (@iciam2023) 's Twitter Profile Photo

You can buy a special burger (900 JPY) at 3rd floor of "I" venue! It has the "ICIAM" logo! (Sorry, in previous tweet, I wrote "J", it was wrong) #ICIAM2023 #ICIAM2023_committee

You can buy a special burger (900 JPY) at 3rd floor of "I" venue! It has the "ICIAM" logo! (Sorry, in previous tweet, I wrote "J", it was wrong)

#ICIAM2023 #ICIAM2023_committee