Institute for Conflict, Cooperation & Security: adopting a multi-disciplinary approach to global security challenges.
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http://www.birmingham.ac.uk/iccs 09-05-2012 09:46:35
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Day 2/5 #ecprjs21 European Consortium for Political Research! We are on again discussing "Emotional Public Policy" Anne-Laure Riotte Tereza Capelos Moshe Maor Philippe Beauregard T. Exadaktylos Lena Masch Emmanuelle Blanc Cora Lacatus Colin Provost Kimberly Tower Stefania Ravazzi ICCS PolPsyIR

SAD to end #ecprjs21 European Consortium for Political Research #EmotionalPublicPolicy & HAPPY for all we did. Thank you for the brilliant week & the inevitable ambivalence :)Anne-Laure Riotte Moshe Maor Philippe Beauregard T. Exadaktylos, Lena Masch Emmanuelle Blanc Cora Lacatus, Colin Provost Kimberly Tower Stefania Ravazzi

As the #BidenPutinSummit has ended Nick Wheeler from POLSIS Birmingham with Marcus Holmes writes "Reagan and Gorbachev offers a script for this summit theconversation.com/reagan-and-gor…

🚨 Job Alert: Media Psychology Lab is looking for a new PhD candidate to work on digital media and adolescents' performance pressure! Vacancy can be found at: kuleuven.be/personeel/jobs… The vacancy is open until 10/09/21 so make sure you apply soon.😉

Reactionism, Resentment, Populism - Tereza Capelos POLSIS Birmingham has co-edited the special issue titled 'Reactionary Politics and Resentful Affect in Populist Times'. cogitatiopress.com/politicsandgov…

Online symposium Oct 25-26 Lund University: Human Rights in Transition. The symposium provides timely, insightful analyses and visions on the roles that #HumanRights have and can play in the multiple transitions our world is confronting pi.lu.se/evenemang/huma… Human Rights Watch UN Human Rights