Inorganic Computational Chemistry Group.
ID: 1089807248719781888
https://inorg-comp-chem.com/ 28-01-2019 08:47:50
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Willkommen an Bord! Prof. Lisa Vondung unterstützt den Fachbereich Chemie@UHH der UHH - MIN-Fakultät, indem sie die Elemente des f-Blocks im Periodensystem erforscht. Dabei möchte sie speziell für abgereichertes Uran sinnvolle Anwendungen finden: uni-hamburg.de/newsroom/campu…
Excited to announce that in some months I will join the Nature Chemistry team! 🤩🎉 My team Nature Communications is looking for an editor with a background in molecular inorganic/coordination chemistry. DM me if you have questions! #chemtwitter #PublishingJobs careers.springernature.com/job/Shanghai-A…
A PhD position (FPI, four years) in Computational Biochemistry and Biocatalysis is open in the group of Marc Garcia-Borràs (Marc Garcia-Borràs) and Ferran Feixas (Ferran Feixas) at the IQCC UdG DiMoCaT_IQCC TCBioSys Universitat de Girona #compchem
Rahul's work on the activation of N2 with Mg(I) radicals is just out in Angewandte Chemie. We've been trying to do this for 10 yrs. The Mg-N2 cmpd is a great 2 e- reductant towards CO, H2 and C2H4. accessing N-organics is the next goal. #ozchem Monash Science tinyurl.com/2s3mwcd5
DIVERSE REACTIVITY of a Ca(II) complex with a bridging, anti-aromatic C6H6(2-) anion is shown. It reacts either as a Ca(I) SYNTHON delivering 2e, a nucleophile or a Bronsted base and is much more reactive than Mg(I) complexes. EurJIC …mistry-europe.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/ej…
Out now in Chem. Commun. and picked as a HOT! article. The synthesis of phosphorus derivatives of mesoionic carbenes! Awesome work by Lea and Müller Group Berlin. Congrats to all involved doi.org/10.1039/D3CC03…
Our latest work makes PN adamantane cages easily accessible + studies their oxidation kinetics. Congrats to lead author Dr. Michael Land and team incl. SMU Chemistry's Jason Masuda (he/him)! Thanks @ChemAsianJ for the invite + selecting this as a VIP! Dalhousie Chemistry onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.100…
Check out this open access Hot article from Christian Müller and first author Lea Dettling on phosphorus derivatives of mesoionic carbenes 🔥🔓 Müller Group Berlin buff.ly/3s4ANex
Today in Organometallics: Heteronuclear and Homonuclear Bimetallic Metallocenes of Alkaline Earths and Zinc, by Gosch and Wilson. This computational study provides insights on the structure and bonding for heteronuclear and homonuclear bimetallic metallocenes pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/ac…
We are looking for a PostDoctoral Researcher! Come and join Christian in Uni Magdeburg The candidate will have to teach in German. A strong background in molecular inorganic chemistry would be ideal! Position is limited to 1 year! #31p #phosphorus ovgu.b-ite.careers/fkxtd
REVIEW just out in Nature Reviews Chemistry on latest developments in Ca Grignard's and beyond: ball-milling synthesis (Ito) Hajime Ito in-situ use of Ca Grignards (Westerhausen), spectacular reactivities etc… Its free: rdcu.be/dqvn4 More to come of the heavy triad Ca-Sr-Ba soon!