Neuroscientist at UCL. Zebrafish sensorimotor systems.
ID: 1088752832088600577
http://zebrafishucl.org/bianco-lab 25-01-2019 10:57:57
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It was great fun to work on this preprint with Dr. Robert Lees ibianco Rob Campbell Natalia Orlova 🇺🇦 Darcy Peterka @labrigger Dimitri Yatsenko Che-Hang Yu & Adam Packer. Hope this helps many people to characterise their 2p microscopes biorxiv.org/content/10.110…
You are grad student, postdoc or PI and want to start using #zebrafish as a model? This Marine Biological Laboratory (MBL) international summer course is for you! Deadline for application 27th March! Financial support available.
Our simple and elegant solution to image between the zebrafish eyes during light-sheet microscopy: tinyurl.com/5y32uk4j Let Asaph Zylbertal (@[email protected]) know if you want us to send you some prisms to try it out for yourself.
Sound localization by fish was long considered physically impossible, until it was shown behaviorally. How do they do it? Johannes Veith, Thomas Chaigne and team dove into this question with Danionella cerebrum. nature.com/articles/s4158… [1/11]
🚨New analysis from The Royal Society UK visa costs for researchers: 🫣 21x higher than France (Talent passport for researchers) 😱34x higher than Germany (Scientific visa) 😬Have increased by 126% since 2019 while other countries have made theirs cheaper royalsociety.org/news-resources…
Out now in Neurophotonics ! doi.org/10.1117/1.NPh.…
The application for summer 2025 Grass Fellowships is now live at grassfoundation.org/fellowship-ove…! Applications are due November 15. Please share with promising early-career neuroscientists. The Fellowship provides 14 weeks of sponsored research support at Marine Biological Laboratory (MBL) in Woods Hole, MA.
Applications now open! Join the SWC PhD Programme 2025 🧠 World-class training in systems neuroscience 💰 Fully-funded 4-year programme 💂 Based in London with close links to Gatsby Computational Neuroscience Unit Learn more and apply by 11 Nov: sainsburywellcome.org/web/content/ph… #PhD #Neuroscience
We’re seeking a postdoc/student excited about animal communication, brain-wide circuits, microscopy, singing fish (Danionella), wacky ideas and who likes to: get things done, experiment, analyse, ask, learn, help and cooperate. jlab.berlin Please RT