Ian Antón Oldenburg
Assist Prof at Rutgers Univ using 2p-optogenetics to understand the motor system. Also antique camera collector, ¼ Mexican, and frisbee player
ID: 309412548
http://oldenburglab.com 02-06-2011 01:50:21
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Some awesome things that are happening BEFORE our conference: #1: 🥳 SLB kick-off party 🥳 Tue 18th @ 1900 Cafe Oz , 3 place Denfert-Rochereau, 75014. Everyone is welcome! #2:🔬karthala system scope demo🔬 Wed 19th @ 0940 Institut de l'Audition Contact: [email protected]
For all the FC folks who want to make statements about how the brain works, I was just going to re-share our (obviously unpublishable) view that none of these techniques can realistically reveal (even approximately) causality: arxiv.org/abs/1812.03363 - with David Mehler
The lab's first paper, "Probing multiplexed basal dendritic computations using two-photon 3D holographic uncaging," is now online at CellReports (cell.com/cell-reports/f…). Congrats to Shulan Xiao and Saumitra #FreePalestine on an outstanding and exquisite effort 👏. Purdue Weldon School of Biomedical Engineering Research at Purdue
Hit the mark at this #OptoGRC2024 session 🎯 Led by Ian Antón Oldenburg with Rosa Cossart, Mark Histed-🧠Lab, Dmitry Rinberg, Amy Monasterio & Harshida Pancholi 🧠🧠🐕🐈☕ - you won't want to miss this one!
On my way to Optogenetics Gordon Research Conference looking forward to all the great science. My lab is looking for postdocs, if you’re interested (or interested in learning more) let me know. I’ll buy you a coffee! Related, anyone know where the close espresso is?
So incredibly proud of my (twitterless) postdoc Masashi Hasegawa for being awarded the BBRFoundation NARSAD Young Investigator Grant! Masashi is brilliant and independent, and has come up with an amazing project to work on next!