IADC (@iadclaw) 's Twitter Profile


Superior Advocates. Global Perspective. Global legal organization for attorneys who represent corporate and insurance interests.

ID: 42658645

linkhttp://www.iadclaw.org/ calendar_today26-05-2009 16:24:32

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433 Following

IADC (@iadclaw) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Join member Manuel Moctezuma (Moctezuma Castro S. C.) next week Wednesday, September 18 for a lunch and social gathering in Mexico City. #IADConnects #iadcmeetings Space is limited to 10 people, so RSVP now to secure your spot!: iadclaw.org/events/iadconn…

Join member Manuel Moctezuma (Moctezuma Castro S. C.) next week Wednesday, September 18 for a lunch and social gathering in Mexico City. #IADConnects #iadcmeetings 

Space is limited to 10 people, so RSVP now to secure your spot!: iadclaw.org/events/iadconn…
IADC (@iadclaw) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Think IADC First is a program designed to encourage our members to consider fellow members when the opportunity arises to refer business. These successful referrals are strong evidence of the value of IADC membership. Wondering how? iadclaw.org/membership/thi…

Think IADC First is a program designed to encourage our members to consider fellow members when the opportunity arises to refer business. These successful referrals are strong evidence of the value of IADC membership. Wondering how?

IADC (@iadclaw) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Join IADC member Manuel Moctezuma (Moctezuma Castro SC) this Wednesday for our IADConnects event in Mexico City! #IADConnects #iadcmeetings Space is limited to 10 people, so RSVP now to secure your spot! iadclaw.org/events/iadconn…

Join IADC member Manuel Moctezuma (<a href="/MoctezumaCastro/">Moctezuma Castro SC</a>) this Wednesday for our IADConnects event in Mexico City! #IADConnects #iadcmeetings

Space is limited to 10 people, so RSVP now to secure your spot!
IADC (@iadclaw) 's Twitter Profile Photo

The IADC Docket highlights all of those member benefits and resources you may have missed. Lucky for you, our latest issue is now available. pub.marq.com/2024_Docket_Is…

The IADC Docket highlights all of those member benefits and resources you may have missed. Lucky for you, our latest issue is now available. 

IADC (@iadclaw) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Looking for an easy and quick business development opportunity? Fill out the Member Spotlight form. This program is designed to introduce and focus attention on members. We encourage you to fill out the simple questionnaire to be featured next. iadclaw.org/membership/mem…

Looking for an easy and quick business development opportunity? Fill out the Member Spotlight form.

This program is designed to introduce and focus attention on members. We encourage you to fill out the simple questionnaire to be featured next.

IADC (@iadclaw) 's Twitter Profile Photo

We are looking forward to Wednesday’s European Regional Meeting in Istanbul, Türkiye. Thank you to our Regional Meeting sponsor CMS for their support. #iadcmeetings iadclaw.org/events/2024-eu…

We are looking forward to Wednesday’s European Regional Meeting in Istanbul, Türkiye. Thank you to our Regional Meeting sponsor <a href="/CMS_Law_Tax/">CMS</a> for their support. #iadcmeetings

IADC (@iadclaw) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Our International Corporate Counsel College is this week, and we are looking forward to the programming and networking opportunities. A big thank you to our sponsors for their support and commitment to the IADC! #iadcmeetings iadclaw.org/events/2024-in…

Our International Corporate Counsel College is this week, and we are looking forward to the programming and networking opportunities. A big thank you to our sponsors for their support and commitment to the IADC! #iadcmeetings

IADC (@iadclaw) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Whether you have been a member of the IADC for a short or long period of time, you may not know everything your membership affords. To learn about some of the key ways you can utilize the benefits of your membership, view our Welcome Membership Packet: iadclaw.org/welcome-packet/

IADC (@iadclaw) 's Twitter Profile Photo

This Member Spotlight highlights Floyd G. Cottrell of Rawle & Henderson LLP . Floyd joined the IADC in 2019. Want the spotlight on you? We encourage you to fill out the Member Spotlight by the IADC: iadclaw.org/membership/mem…

This Member Spotlight highlights Floyd G. Cottrell of <a href="/1783Rawle/">Rawle & Henderson LLP</a> . Floyd joined the IADC in 2019.

Want the spotlight on you? We encourage you to fill out the Member Spotlight by the IADC:  iadclaw.org/membership/mem…
IADC (@iadclaw) 's Twitter Profile Photo

The Defense Counsel Journal is our scholarly publication that covers current legal trends and informs readers of timely problems they may face. The DCJ is online and free to you. Be sure to utilize this resource and check out our recent articles: iadclaw.org/documents/?Cat…

IADC (@iadclaw) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Be sure you are utilizing the “I” in IADC with our interactive map of our non-US members. When you have a global legal issue or case, be sure to Think IADC First. imis.iadclaw.org/iadcimis/Membe…

Be sure you are  utilizing the “I” in IADC with our interactive map of our non-US members. When you have a global legal issue or case, be sure to Think IADC First.

IADC (@iadclaw) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Carol Dan Browning, a member at Stites & Harbison , has been named to the 2025 Lawdragon 500 Leading Litigators In America. She is one of only two Kentucky attorneys honored in 2025. Congratulations! #IADCSuccess iadclaw.org/carol-dan-brow…

Carol Dan Browning, a member at <a href="/StitesLaw/">Stites & Harbison</a> , has been named to the 2025 Lawdragon 500 Leading Litigators In America. She is one of only two Kentucky attorneys honored in 2025. Congratulations! #IADCSuccess

IADC (@iadclaw) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Come connect with the IADC in Seattle! IADC members will have the opportunity to connect at a reception at the 2024 DRI Annual Meeting prior to the main welcome reception. For more details: iadclaw.org/events/iadconn…

Come connect with the IADC in Seattle!

IADC members will have the opportunity to connect at a reception at the 2024 DRI Annual Meeting  prior to the main welcome reception. 

For more details: iadclaw.org/events/iadconn…
IADC (@iadclaw) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Join us for our monthly Substantive Law Committee meetings. If you are looking to join one of our 20+ Committees, email Jennifer Aron, Professional Development Manager, at [email protected]. iadclaw.org/get-involved/c…

IADC (@iadclaw) 's Twitter Profile Photo

IADC member Larry Smith (Rumberger, Kirk & Caldwell, P.A.) describes a mutually beneficial mentorship program his law firm has with a nearby minority law school in this IADC Diversity Roadmap video. You can grab 100+ DEIB resources on the IADC website. youtube.com/watch?v=zIOzCF…

IADC (@iadclaw) 's Twitter Profile Photo

The latest Defense Counsel Journal issue focused on Federal Rule of Evidence 702. We invite you to read or share the Third Circuit guide from IADC member and DCJ Editor Peter J. Pizzi (Walsh Pizzi O'Reilly Falanga LLP ) and Christine P. Clark (Walsh Pizzi O'Reilly Falanga LLP ) now: iadclaw.org/assets/1/6/New…

The latest Defense Counsel Journal issue focused on Federal Rule of Evidence 702. 

We invite you to read or share the Third Circuit guide from IADC member and DCJ Editor Peter J. Pizzi (<a href="/TheWalshFirm/">Walsh Pizzi O'Reilly Falanga LLP</a> ) and Christine P. Clark (<a href="/TheWalshFirm/">Walsh Pizzi O'Reilly Falanga LLP</a> ) now:

IADC (@iadclaw) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Host Matt Cairns (Textron Inc. ), aka “Mad Dog Cairns,” talks candidly with Al Vance (Vance Dispute Resolutions), aka “The Velvet Hammer,” about his experiences and legal journey in the latest IADC Speaks podcast episode. spreaker.com/episode/the-ve…

Host Matt Cairns (<a href="/Textron/">Textron Inc.</a> ), aka “Mad Dog Cairns,” talks candidly with Al Vance (Vance Dispute Resolutions), aka “The Velvet Hammer,” about his experiences and legal journey in the latest IADC Speaks podcast episode. 
