Rajiv Srinivasa
IRad at Baylor Scott & White in Austin, TX. Tweets are my own.
ID: 3774838282
25-09-2015 20:51:36
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Ancient 30 year old renal transplant with calcified TRAS. 60 mmHg pressure gradient completely resolved with everolimus eluting coronary stent! UCLA IR John Moriarty Adam Plotnik MD FSIR Jeffrey F. B. Chick, MD, MPH Alexandria CVIR Kumar Madassery Mike Watts Jacob Bundy, MD, MPH Nishant Patel Society of Interventional Radiology

TIPS reduction using the GORE VIATORR controlled expansion endoprosthesis ow.ly/nmXj30lRw2m Rajiv Srinivasa Ravi Srinivasa Jeffrey F. B. Chick, MD, MPH #WithoutaScalpel

Interventional Radiology-Operated Bronchoscopy #IRad #BAE #Hemoptysis #BroadenYourScope #TwittIR SIR RFS JVIR Alexandria CVIR Wake Forest IR IRad Lab

Hx of refract ascites and chronic right portal occlusion. Venovenous collaterals. Percutaneous entry into recan umbilical for direct portogram and target! #TIPS #iRad Ravi Srinivasa Jeffrey F. B. Chick, MD, MPH Jawad Hussain, MD Nishant Patel Rajiv Srinivasa Evan Johnson

Ovarian vein sampling for localization of an androgen secreting tumor #GonadalVeinAnatomy #NotAnAdrenalVein #OvarianVeinSampling #TestosteroneHunting #WomensHealth #IRad Jeffrey F. B. Chick, MD, MPH Ravi Srinivasa Jawad Hussain, MD @mmkhayatmd Nishant Patel Evan Johnson @ShahmanMD JVIR

Short-lived, but incredibly fun reunion for the #ABR certifying exam. Missing a couple in this picture. Nishant Patel Jawad Hussain, MD Rajiv Srinivasa Evan Johnson Ravi Srinivasa Jeffrey F. B. Chick, MD, MPH @MichiganVIR

Options for Difficult Endovenous Laser Therapy Treatments including Retrograde Ablation, Hydration, Topical Nitroglycerine, and Double Pre-Puncture Techniques #IRAD #WeCanAllDoThis Ravi Srinivasa @mmkhayatmd Nishant Patel UCLA IR JVIR CVIR Journal

College student, unable to ambulate in dorm. Extensive biiliac and caval thrombus and atretic IVC. #ClotTriever/#FlowTriever for the help. Back to exploring campus, no pain on clinic follow-up. #IRad #WeCanRecan Jawad Hussain, MD Rajiv Srinivasa Nishant Patel Jeffrey F. B. Chick, MD, MPH Ravi Srinivasa Mina S. Makary, MD

Interventional Radiology International Outreach. The challenges are many - including infrastructure, resources, personnel - but the potential benefits are numerous. #IRAD #AmazingColleagues #Outreach #GlobalHealth #Rwanda JVIR Society of Interventional Radiology SIR RFS CVIR Journal

Great Conference and Great Friends #RSNA2018 #IRAD Rajiv Srinivasa Ravi Srinivasa Alexandria CVIR JVIR CVIR Journal SIR RFS UCLA IR

While in Chicago for RSNA... #Alinea #EdibleArt #GrantAchatz #AppleBalloons #RSNA2018 Jeffrey F. B. Chick, MD, MPH Ravi Srinivasa Evan Johnson Alexandria CVIR UCLA IR Jawad Hussain, MD Nishant Patel @mmkhayatmd Kumar Madassery Kush Desai Mike Watts Bob Vogelzang Jacob Bundy, MD, MPH Anthony Hage, MD @MichiganVIR Minhaj S Khaja, MD, MBA Daryl Goldman MD

60-year-old woman with cholelithiasis and not a surgical candidate. #TheresStillAnotherOption #IRadToTheRescue #ScopesOutStonesOut #IREndoscopy #LiveTubeFree #IRad Jeffrey F. B. Chick, MD, MPH @mmkhayatmd Nishant Patel Ravi Srinivasa @ShahmanMD Kyle Cooper Jawad Hussain, MD Evan Johnson UCLA IR @MichiganVIR

Pulsatile tinnitus and headache. Symptoms resolved following stent-assisted coil embolization of an uncommon sigmoid sinus diverticulum. Jeffrey F. B. Chick, MD, MPH Ravi Srinivasa @MichiganVIR JVIR CVIR Journal SIR RFS Society of Interventional Radiology

From #Endoscopy to #CLI. Proud to have our Interventional-Radiology Operated Endoscopy article included in Seminars aside our #CLIFighters. Thanks Parag Patel PJ Rochon Ravi Srinivasa Rudra Pampati Rajiv Srinivasa Anthony Hage, MD JVIR CVIR Journal SIR RFS Society of Interventional Radiology Alexandria CVIR UCLA IR

Excellent port placement editorial by Evan Johnson. Port placement in neutropenic patients associated with 4X higher infection-related removal. Consider alternative access in these patients. JVIR Mayo Clinic Mayo Clinic Radiology Alexandria CVIR SIR RFS UCLA IR Michigan Radiology

Ravi Srinivasa @ #WINGS disseminating the Interventional Oncology arsenal. #IRAD #IO John Moriarty Sid Padia UCLA IR PennIR Michigan Radiology SIR RFS

First percutaneous extra-anatomic lymphovenous bypass for thoracic duct occlusion and ascites by #IRAD. #Innovation #Lymphatics #Venous #IRAD David Shin #Vaidya #Monsky #Jones #List University of Washington JVIR SIR RFS SIR ECS Ravi Srinivasa joseph gemmete Maxim Itkin MD Carlos Guevara MD, FSIR Mike Watts

Lymphatic plastic bronchitis, or the expectoration or branching bronchial casts, was ongoing for three miserable years after seeing 17 specialists, but ended today thanks to #IRAD. Find an Interventional Radiologist for rare and complex lymphatic disorders. University of Washington David Shin #List