Hubert Büchel
ID: 1378928834
25-04-2013 07:55:21
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Together with Iceland 🇮🇸, Liechtenstein 🇱🇮 and Norway 🇳🇴, Switzerland 🇨🇭 is part of the #EFTA. Parliamentarians from all four countries met Indian 🇮🇳 counterparts today with a focus on trade, investments and free-trade negotiations. EFTA Secretariat #FTA #EFTATrade

#EFTA Parliamentarians discussed economic opportunities for 🇮🇳& 🇮🇸🇱🇮🇳🇴🇨🇭companies this morning They met with actors from #India's Chambers of Commerce Confederation of Indian Industry ASSOCHAM FICCI @phdchamberand & with Invest India 🙏Thank you for informative discussions! #EFTAtrade

Parliamentarians from European Free Trade Association (EFTA) were presented with #NewIndia opportunity by Ms. Varda Taneja, VP, Invest India, followed by a discussion on vision for 2047, #EoDB, government reforms & advancements to promote investments in India. #EFTAtrade

The #EFTA Parliamentary Committee members from 🇮🇸 🇱🇮 🇳🇴 🇨🇭are in India’s financial capital #Mumbai today to meet & interact with the business stakeholders & discuss shared opportunities of fast blooming #India 🇮🇳 #EFTATrade EFTA Secretariat

Thank you for the interesting discussion! #EFTA Parliamentarians are in #Mumbai to meet with business stakeholders & discuss mutual benefits of an #FTA between 🇮🇳 & 🇮🇸🇱🇮🇳🇴🇨🇭. REHAUINDIA CDSL – Central Depository Services India Ltd NSE India DNB Nyheter Swiss Consulate Mumbai Norwegian Consulate General Mumbai #EFTAtrade #Indiatrade

Hubert Büchel hielt das Einleitungsvotum zur Aktuellen Stunde der VU: "Service public: Was muss, was soll, was kann der Staat?"

Hubert Büchel weist darauf hin, dass seitens des Gesellschaftsministeriums zu wenig unternommen wird, um die nachhaltige Finanzierung der AHV zu garantieren. #ahv #klarfürLiechtenstein

Der September-Landtag hat begonnen. Hubert Büchel ist diese Woche für Peter Frick im Landtag im Einsatz. #landtag #klarfürliechtenstein

Der Märzlandtag ist im Gange. Hubert Büchel vertritt Peter Frick in den Reihen der VU-Fraktion, die 14 Kleine Anfragen an die Regierung. #klarfürliechtenstein #kleineanfragen

The current CEO of GN Finance Hubert Büchel is representing the Patriotic Union party in the upcoming state elections in Liechtenstein. ✏Fergus Horsfall #gnfinance #iam #citywireswitzerland citywire.com/ch/news/top-50…