The Pi Lab
Asst. Prof.@YaleMicroPath | Interested in microbial stress responses & ferrosome organelle biogenesis during host-pathogen interactions
ID: 988944695807172608
25-04-2018 00:56:03
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Can't wait to be a part of the vibrant MSI community Yale West Campus Thanks so much Andy Goodman!

Attending my first in person #clostpath2023 conference. It's wonderful to see these brilliant friends Joe Zackular Matt Munneke Marty Douglas, and get to know so much about the vibrant #Cdiff community.

We have a special lecture planned Yale University in honor of Dr. Brett Lindenbach this Saturday. The lecture will be given by the Nobel laureate Prof. Charles Rice. It is open to all and there is also a remote option for this lecture. Please join us! yale.hosted.panopto.com/Panopto/Pages/…

A brief summary about the iron storage ferrosome organelles in C diff. And a lot more to discover about these microscopic wonders🦠🔬 Eric Skaar YaleMicroPath Yale West Campus nature.com/articles/d4158…

Another iron in C. difficile’s fire The Drakesmith Lab & Zimmermann highlight work of The Pi Lab Zhou_Lab-Vanderbilt Eric Skaar discovering a unique iron storage organelle, the ferrosome, in Clostridioides difficile and its important roles during infection cell.com/cell-host-micr…

My first @ASM Microbe, really incredible experience! It was amazing to meet so many microbiologists in just a few days. A huge thanks to Greg Harrison for organizing such a great session! Looking forward to next year!

A wonderful week at #GRCToxPath to reconnect with old friends and meet new ones. Big thanks to Mary Mary O'Riordan and Victor Victor J. Torres for the opportunity to present our work to this phenomenal community! Absolutely loved the discussion/feedback and notes received after the talk.

Skaar lab (Eric Skaar) past and present photo from #GRCToxPath! What a fantastic meeting! Amazing science and amazing people! Thank you Mary O'Riordan and Victor J. Torres for organizing and for Dr. Valeria M. Reyes Ruiz and Sean Callahan, PhD for running the GRS! Excited for 2026!

Faculty search! YaleMicroPath is looking to hire assistant professor(s) focused on the pathogenesis of viral, bacterial, parasitic, or fungal infections. Info: apply.interfolio.com/151755. Q&A webinar in Sept. Please RT!

Faculty Search Webinar! Curious about the YaleMicroPath faculty search and life in CT? Please join us for a Q&A webinar 9/19/24 12pm noon EST. Panelists Hesper Rego, Ya-Chi Ho, Andy Goodman, and Craig Roy. Participation is anonymous. Registration required: yale.zoom.us/webinar/regist…

THREE assistant professor positions in microbiology at Yale! (3/3) Microbe-Immune Interaction - Microbial Sciences Institute in partnership with Yale Department of Immunobiology apply.interfolio.com/152022, deadline 11/1/24 Please RT and apply!

Registration is OPEN for 2025 Bacterial and Archaeal Cell Biology and Development Gordon Research Conferences and GRS. This will be oversubscribed, so register ASAP. We have an amazing lineup of speakers and discussion leaders. Apply now - grc.org/bacterial-cell…