The Friends of Honeywood Museum
Museum for the London Borough of Sutton, overlooking Carshalton Ponds in the Carshalton Village Conservation Area.
CIO No. 1175789 - Accredited Museum No. 2182
ID: 336496811
https://friendsofhoneywood.co.uk/ 16-07-2011 11:48:43
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Full details of all events at this year’s Sutton Literary Festival #Sutton insidesutton The Friends of Honeywood Museum Time Out London Londonist BBC London insidecroydon.com/2024/09/10/ful…

🎶We are currently welcoming singers to join the Surrey Opera Chorus. 🎶 Our upcoming Christmas Soiree is a fab opportunity for anyone new to the world of Opera! Message us or email [email protected] for more info.

Mary Queen of Sorrows, Alison Weir talk, Carshalton, Nov 21 #Carshalton The Friends of Honeywood Museum Time Out London Secret Carshalton 🗝 History Today insidecroydon.com/2024/09/14/mar…

Honeywood Museum fund-raising raffle tickets now on sale #Sutton insidesutton Pubcat @ The Hope, Carshalton Secret Carshalton 🗝 The Friends of Honeywood Museum insidecroydon.com/2024/09/15/hon…

Have you ever wondered about the history of the first public railway, the mills of the Wandle, what was in Ravensbury Park and how long Morden Hall Snuff Mills have been there? Then join our volunteer John on Friday 20 Sept Email [email protected] to book.

I JUST FOUND A LONG-TAILED SKUA AT Beddington Farmlands !!! I couldn’t believe it when I nearly stood on it hidden in the grass 😭 Looks exhausted but not injured - now been taken into care 🙏🙏 #birding #BirdsSeenIn2024

We've had a good few weeks at Beddington, with Sandwich Terns, fall days (8+Whinchat, 49+ Chiff, 29+ Wthroat), Tripits, Spotfly etc. And of course today's fantastic Long-tailed Skua, nearly trod on by Jack Pettit. Glad to see the bird fly & disappear after two restless hours!

Sutton Literary Festival 12/13 October' Please be aware that we'll be closed The Friends of Honeywood Museum to the public on Saturday 12 October to facilitate this event - information on how to obtain free tickets for the events during the weekend are available at: friendsofhoneywood.co.uk/events.html