Hogwarts Professor
ID: 525760631
http://hogwartsprofessor.com 15-03-2012 21:20:02
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Discussing one of the most beautiful and pivotal moments in The Running Grave, Beatrice Groves looks at #Strike's church going. hogwartsprofessor.com/beatrice-grove…
.J.K. Rowling has revealed the title of Strike 8: #TheHallmarkedMan. Join Beatrice Groves as she explores silver, saints and Sark! hogwartsprofessor.com/beatrice-grove…
Sark, Snark and Censorship. Join John and Nick as they explore the strange and quirky island of Sark, take a look at the latest J.K. Rowling twitter storms and stand in admiration of her heroic stand against judicial free-speech suppression in Scotland. hogwartsprofessor.substack.com/p/sark-snark-a…
John and Nick discuss the four generations of Rowling studies, and applies their principles to J.K. Rowling's new videos “On Writing”. From the Lake and Shed metaphor to shocking DNA predictions, join Rowling Studies for episode five. hogwartsprofessor.substack.com/p/on-reading-o…
Discover the secrets of J.K. Rowling's Red Room with Beatrice Groves's Hogwarts Professor Guest post. #TheHallmarkedMan hogwartsprofessor.com/beatrice-grove…
With #TheHallmarkedMan launch coming ever closer and J.K. Rowling treating us to a new Twitter Header, Beatrice Groves has written a Hogwarts Professor Guest Post: The Golden Journey to The Hallmarked Man. hogwartsprofessor.com/beatrice-grove…
In May of this year, J.K. Rowling admitted that she had a very clear image in her imagination of what the story-inspiration-genie or Lady of her Lake, in her Lake & Shed, looked like. The Hogwarts Professor explores. hogwartsprofessor.com/rowling-reveal…
Alchemy as a Transformative Art. How J.K. Rowling hinted at Draco's redemption. hogwartsprofessor.com/alchemy-as-a-t…