Himalaya San Francisco Quantum (@himalayaquantum) 's Twitter Profile
Himalaya San Francisco Quantum


We Are The Citizens Of the New Federal State of China
Our Mission is to Take Down the EVIL Chinese Community Party

ID: 1524618252961255424

calendar_today12-05-2022 05:12:12

35 Tweet


53 Following

草根小哥 (@caogenxiaogex) 's Twitter Profile Photo

班农先生:Miles 为了帮助他的同胞获得自由把一生都奉献于灭共事业,没有人意识到他受到多少迫害和不公,Miles跟我说过的所有事都在不断变成现实……

Ma瑪麗呀😘まりや (@cheetos8964) 's Twitter Profile Photo

太爆炸啦! 天空新闻台的阿拉伯语频道正面报道了新中国联邦乌克兰救援行动。虽!然!为了政治正确报道里面说的是中国,但是文疯而动战友占了半个屏幕头上的帽子清楚印着新中国联邦的特写镜头,停留时间足够让大家看到新中国联邦几个字揉眼睛不知道啥意思然后再看几遍,帽子太抢镜了!

Himalaya San Francisco Quantum (@himalayaquantum) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Chinese ≠ CCP We love peace ! We are New Chinese of New Federal State of China (#NFSC) dedicated to take down evil Chinese Communist Party( #CCP). The CCP is the root cause of all global disasters. The only way to save humanity is to take down the CCP.

Chinese ≠ CCP
We love peace !
We are New Chinese of New Federal State of China (#NFSC) dedicated to take down evil Chinese Communist Party( #CCP). 
The CCP is the root cause of all global disasters. The only way to save humanity is to take down the CCP.
Himalaya San Francisco Quantum (@himalayaquantum) 's Twitter Profile Photo


Himalaya San Francisco Quantum (@himalayaquantum) 's Twitter Profile Photo

数字货币市场开启了新一轮洗盘,对数字货币玩家们又狠狠的上了一课。优胜劣汰适者生存,有中心化负责的符合政府监管政策的有应用场景的数字货币才是王者。Hcoin to the moon,实力说了算👍👍👍

数字货币市场开启了新一轮洗盘,对数字货币玩家们又狠狠的上了一课。优胜劣汰适者生存,有中心化负责的符合政府监管政策的有应用场景的数字货币才是王者。Hcoin to the moon,实力说了算👍👍👍
Himalaya San Francisco Quantum (@himalayaquantum) 's Twitter Profile Photo

5/11Miles Guo: The Russians are very clear that Putin's invasion of Ukraine only suits the interest of very few people, and the majority of them are victims of the war. Therefore Putin dares not to take the war to an extreme; In Communist China, things will go just the opposite.

Himalaya San Francisco Quantum (@himalayaquantum) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Hi There 👋👋👋 If you want to know more truth of the global economy disaster,please fellow Miles Guo on Gettr ,Welcome to join Gettr ! 👏👏👏

Hi There 👋👋👋
If you want to know more truth of the global economy disaster,please fellow Miles Guo on Gettr ,Welcome to join Gettr ! 👏👏👏
Himalaya San Francisco Quantum (@himalayaquantum) 's Twitter Profile Photo

5/13/2022 Miles Guo: All the government having contacted me are considering revoking the COVID vaccine mandates. They are worried about being taken to court by the vaccine victims, but ending the mandates is an irreversible trend in the world….

Himalaya San Francisco Quantum (@himalayaquantum) 's Twitter Profile Photo

5/13/2022 Miles Guo: Who is the biggest winner and behind-the-scenes manipulator of the global economic and financial collapse? 5/13/2022 文贵直播:全球经济、金融崩塌最大赢家和幕后操作者是谁?

Himalaya San Francisco Quantum (@himalayaquantum) 's Twitter Profile Photo

5/13/2022 Miles Guo: What does it mean when LUNA collapses overnight? When a bank run occurs, almost no financial institution in the world could survive. The only exception is Himalaya Exchange LUNA闪崩意味着什么?全人类的金融机构没有一个挤兑不跨的,唯一的例外就是喜交所

Himalaya San Francisco Quantum (@himalayaquantum) 's Twitter Profile Photo

5/13/2022 Mile Guo: The COVID vaccine disasters will lead to the darkest age of human history: there will be extreme shortage of food, collapse of fiat currencies, digital currencies and financial products. The Hong Kong dollar will disappear and RMB will become ghost money!

Himalaya San Francisco Quantum (@himalayaquantum) 's Twitter Profile Photo

"Never again should we want one single company controlling so much of the ability for #FreeSpeech because then they can just literally turn it off". #BeauDavidson talks to @jasonmillerindc , on how he sees the social media landscape. 👇 ept.ms/TBS-Gettr

"Never again should we want one single company controlling so much of the ability for #FreeSpeech because then they can just literally turn it off".

#BeauDavidson talks to @jasonmillerindc , on  how he sees the social media landscape.
澳喜Gnews (@hagnews01) 's Twitter Profile Photo

2019年春晚郭先生谈摩根家族⬇️⬇️ 一个从小深深影响了我的一个大金融家,他的家族和我有各种这样那样的关系! 摩根家族有一位成员也叫Miles