Joanne Hilder (@hilderjoanne) 's Twitter Profile
Joanne Hilder


Allied Health, Med Ed and Social Work Researcher. PhD.

ID: 976625642509762560

calendar_today22-03-2018 01:04:32

442 Tweet


310 Following

Alan Dettlaff (@alandettlaff) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Angela Davis on #socialwork: "Social work has a radical history. Here we are 50-75 years later & we see social work has been infected with a carceral logic that prevents people who are social workers from doing the work that needs to be done in order to change society."

Angela Davis on #socialwork:

"Social work has a radical history. Here we are 50-75 years later & we see social work has been infected with a carceral logic that prevents people who are social workers from doing the work that needs to be done in order to change society."
Prof. Milena Heinsch (@milenaheinsch) 's Twitter Profile Photo

In our new article, we draw on slow science and social justice perspectives to argue for another implementation science - one that addresses critical issues of public recognition and participation ⁦⁦⁦Dr Campbell Tickner⁩ ⁦Hannah Cootes⁩…

Phillip Dawson (@phillipdawson) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Join us in a new role as Associate Research Fellow: Feedback Literacy CRADLE: Assessment. Digital. Learning.. 4-year contract, part-time (0.5), working on an Australian Research Council funded Discovery Project to understand how to help people get the most out of feedback. Here's why it's a great role...

Carrie Phillips (@caramac44) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Calling all current and former hospital social workers, care managers etc, from acute NHS hospitals in the UK! I am completing my PhD, and the final phase of data collection is now live. For further information or to take part go to

Calling all current and former hospital social workers, care managers etc, from acute NHS hospitals in the UK! 

I am completing my PhD, and the final phase of data collection is now live. For further information or to take part go to
Rhea Liang (@liangrhea) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Imagine what it must be like for family, keeping vigil by a 95 year old dying after being tasered, hearing the NSW Police commissioner double down on not watching the bodycam footage- 'It's not going to change my view about it'. 💔💔💔…

Dr Joanna Tai (@drjoannat) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Phew! Joanne Hilder opens asking us if we've ever had feedback that causes us physical pain/completely blindsided us. Making sense of difficult feedback is the topic: how does emotion contribute? #anzahpe2023

Phew! <a href="/HilderJoanne/">Joanne Hilder</a> opens asking us if we've ever had feedback that causes us physical pain/completely blindsided us. Making sense of difficult feedback is the topic: how does emotion contribute?

Dr Joanna Tai (@drjoannat) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Takeaway messages here: Feedback is memorable because of tone and content. We need to factor in time for reflection, processing, and recovery. #anzahpe2023

Takeaway messages here: Feedback is memorable because of tone and content. We need to factor in time for reflection, processing, and recovery. #anzahpe2023
Deakin Media (@deakinmedia) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Building stronger student-teacher connections can increase student motivation and confidence with their studies. Deakin's Ameena L. Payne (she/her) writes for The Conversation - Australia + New Zealand about why some teachers are now opting to give feedback via video👇…

Suzanne Mooney (@smooney_qub) 's Twitter Profile Photo

👇REMINDER: Just a few weeks left to respond! Has your service/organisation been implementing trauma informed practice (TIP)? Are you based in NI? If so, SSESW at Queen's want to hear from you! Don’t miss this opportunity to share your insights Safeguarding Board for Northern Ireland

👇REMINDER: Just a few weeks left to respond! Has your service/organisation been implementing trauma informed practice (TIP)? Are you based in NI? If so, <a href="/QUBSSESW/">SSESW at Queen's</a> want to hear from you! Don’t miss this  opportunity to share your insights <a href="/safeguardingni/">Safeguarding Board for Northern Ireland</a>
Joanne Hilder (@hilderjoanne) 's Twitter Profile Photo

I am so grateful to contribute to this book. Social work judgement and decisions impact society’s most vulnerable. We can and will find ways improve them.

Dr Rachel Wenke (@racheljwenke) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Excited to be sharing preliminary results about the spread of TREAT treat_journalclubs at #EIS2023. So far over 200 journal clubs have registered through with thousands of resources downloaded @eisummit2023 Paulina Stehlik sharon mickan Rae Thomas

Excited to be sharing preliminary results about the spread of TREAT <a href="/journalclubs/">treat_journalclubs</a> at #EIS2023. So far over 200 journal clubs have registered through with thousands of resources downloaded @eisummit2023 <a href="/DrPaulieS/">Paulina Stehlik</a> <a href="/smickan/">sharon mickan</a> <a href="/rthomasEBP/">Rae Thomas</a>
Victoria Brazil (@socraticem) 's Twitter Profile Photo

When rudeness in medical teams turns deadly. Would love to see healthcare colleagues and anyone interested in teamwork at this event. Register here…

When rudeness in medical teams turns deadly. 
Would love to see healthcare colleagues and anyone interested in teamwork at this event.
Register here…
Eduard Baladia (@ebaladia) 's Twitter Profile Photo

👥 Are the two-week systematic reviews team (2weekSR) super reviewers? Or can another team do the same? 🤔 This study reveals how a dedicated trio harnessed automation tools to replicate the process, showing the potential for wider adoption in the scientific community. 🌍💡

👥 Are the two-week systematic reviews team (<a href="/2weekSR/">2weekSR</a>) super reviewers? Or can another team do the same? 🤔 This study reveals how a dedicated trio harnessed automation tools to replicate the process, showing the potential for wider adoption in the scientific community. 🌍💡
Dr. KMPascoe (@pascoekm) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Invigorating korero around the potential of simulation in #socialworkeducation and critical considerations to scaffold learning #NFEN2023 ANZSWWER looking forward to the special Issue of Advances!

Invigorating korero around the potential of simulation in #socialworkeducation and critical considerations to scaffold learning #NFEN2023 <a href="/ANZSWWER/">ANZSWWER</a> looking forward to the special Issue of Advances!
C.J. Cabilan (@cjcabilan) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Australia's Best Emergency Department (2020) is looking for a Senior Research Fellow. Could it be you?…

Berend van der Kolk (@berendvdkolk) 's Twitter Profile Photo

In a study on universities in Australia, Parker and colleagues (2023) conclude: "Revenue generation and expenditure has been privileged over making a contribution to the nation and society." Link:… #academictwitter #indicatorism #quantifiedsociety