Health Rights & Social Development advocacy NGO
Mission: To promote equitable access to health services & economic empowerment programs for all people in Uganda
ID: 155841448
http://heps.or.ug 15-06-2010 08:46:21
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Over 10,000 #meningitis cases have been reported in Uganda since 2004. #Meningitis is inflammation of tissues surrounding brain & spinal cord, caused by person-to-person infection, injuries, cancer & drugs. World Health Organization (WHO) supports Ministry of Health- Uganda in prevention, surveillance & care services.

The emergence of the 2024 #mpox variant once again demonstrates the need for international coordination & solidarity to end pandemics. We have safe, efficacious vaccines to prevent mpox - we must ensure Africa can afford and access them now! The People's Medicines Alliance healthpolicy-watch.news/the-global-res…

Today, we witnessed the launch of the CAST+ campaign during the 2024 TB Marthon. We thank the chief guest Hon. Dr. Jane Ruth Aceng Ocero for the leadership & commitment to #EndTB. We are in this together. Stop TB Partnership Africa CDC Mwehonge Kenneth Pamoja TB group UHCA Dr. Diana Atwine #RunToEndTB

There is no magical drug 4 preventing HIV infection but all available PrEP products are needed for CHOICE for PrEP users! AVAC HEPS-Uganda MOSAIC Consortium

Our Mwehonge Kenneth yesterday called upon the Africa Regional PrEP Workshop happening in Nairobi to come up with the Nairobi PrEP Declaration as an advocacy tool 2 increase speed, scale-up & ensure equitable access to PrEP. Together, we make it happen. MOSAIC Consortium PEPFAR AVAC