D'Aniello Enrico lab
EVO-DEVO researcher @SZN, Napoli (IT). Postdoc: Waxman lab, Cincinnati (USA) and Di Marzo lab, CNR (IT). PhD, SZN. MODELS: #zebrafish #ascidians and #bivalves
ID: 71506096
https://www.szn.it/index.php/it/personale/staff/571-d-aniello-enrico/1255-d-aniello-enrico 04-09-2009 10:42:03
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PhD Call Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn, Naples, IT. Check out this call for a PhD position in my lab with Dr. Christiaen Dr. Lionel Christiaen (he/him/his) as an external supervisor and me as Director of the study. Deadline: June 21, to apply: szn.it/index.php/en/t…
PhD opportunity in my lab to probe the machinery behind the evolutionary emergence of the ribbon-like configuration of the Golgi complex Project: szn.it/images/bandi_c… Call: szn.it/index.php/it/n… Contact: [email protected]
Calling #EvoDevo enthusiasts! Open a PhD position in my research group at the #SZN in #napoli (Italy) on “Nitric Oxide signaling during development in amphioxus”. Check: szn.it/.../ph-d-progr… Contact me ([email protected]) for more info. Deadline 21 June, 2024
🚨 Recruiting Postdoc! 🚨 Join us at Neurogenetics Leicester to explore the origin of photoreceptor cells using single-cell genomics. Apply here: jobs.le.ac.uk/vacancies/1006…. Deadline: June 10th. Please apply & RT! #Postdoc #Research #Genomics
PhD: Study Retinoic Acid in Ciona robusta Heart Development! 📧 Contact: Dr. Enrico D’Aniello ([email protected]) 🌐 Supervisor: Dr. Lionel Christiaen, Sars Institute, Norway Apply now! More info:szn.it/index.php/it/b… #PhD #Biology #HeartDevelopment #ResearchOpportunity
An opportunity to collaborate with my group at Michael Sars Centre on the roles of retinoic acid signaling during cardiogenesis.
Congratulations to Federica Salatiello PhD of the lab that won the poster prize for her studies on the evolutionary role of Retinoic Acid during Mytilus galloprovincialis embryogenesis at the #EED2024 meeting in Helsinki Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn
A new study in Nature Communications finds that bdelloid rotifers protect themselves from infections using antibiotic recipes “stolen” from bacteria. Learn more: mbl.edu/news/small-ani…
Are you interested in the #circadian clock, #fish & #deepsea? Join us on an exciting journey as a PhD student🎓at Università Ferrara (Cristiano Bertolucci), Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn (Salvatore D'Aniello) and KIT Karlsruhe (Nick Foulkes). The deadline is on September 2nd 2024, 12:00 CET. unife.it/studenti/dotto…
So its out Genome Biology: genomebiology.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.11…. All you need to know about DNA methylation in annelids🪱! This has been a great collaboration with the Martín-Durán lab lab, led by kero guynes. One of the main findings is that the methylome erodes throughout development and beyond! 1/
Great to see this finally out! Thanks Alex de Mendoza, kero guynes and everyone else involved! And European Research Council (ERC), Queen Mary University of London and QM_SBBS for the support! 🪱
Two-chambered heart of a live zebrafish embryo. Credit to Rashmi Priya. #ZebrafishZunday
Nice talk of Federica Salatiello’s PhD project on Retinoic Acid Signaling in Mytilus galloprovincialis at the #SIBE2024.