John Wall
With a focus on Inbound marketing, HelpDeskGuides focuses on CS, IT and Help Desks.
ID: 447570071
http://helpdeskguides.com 27-12-2011 01:49:23
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The Cost of Customer Service features a great infographic from T Parature and data from F. Curtis Barry & Co helpdeskguides.com/cost-of-custom…

Are there white-hats and black-hats? Everyone seems to be a bit of both. Hackers busted Al Jazeera aljazeera.com/indepth/opinio… via Al Jazeera English

Are the days of free content on the web waning? Tim Carter goo.gl/kFbYo

Middleware: CloudPointe , A Middleware Solution - helpdeskguides.com/middleware-clo…

What Sort of Customers Do You Have? smallbiztrends.com/2012/04/4-type… via Small Business Trends

Catch these clever tips on how to take a fab outfit photo from your phone, courtesy of Glitter Guide! ow.ly/bYkf5