Helen Proctor
ID: 589789971
25-05-2012 05:12:10
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Very powerful thread with hugely wide resonance especially in settler colonial contexts. Frances Flanagan I see resonances w your stuff #ANZHES #histchild #histed
An exciting call for papers from Helen Proctor and Kellie Burns for an international edited book provisionally titled Curriculum of the body and the school as clinic: Histories of public health and schooling, 1900-2020 #histed #histedchat #curriculum anzhes.com/call-for-paper…
Exciting new Special Issue - #CFP think.taylorandfrancis.com/special_issues… Guest editors Jessica Gerrard Helen Proctor and susan goodwin invite submissions, more detail at the link!
For the love of God: how pornography and an explicit reading list turned Rona Joyner into a conservative activist. aare.edu.au/blog/?p=10158 via AARE Sydney School of Education & Social Work Jessica Gerrard susan goodwin ANZHES
Just under a week to submit to this Special Issue on grassroots organising and education reform! 👇 Journal of Educational Administration and History Helen Proctor susan goodwin think.taylorandfrancis.com/special_issues…
Today, I present with Helen Proctor at #AARE2021 on the history & politics of disability, autism and migration AARE Inclusive Education SIG at IE SIG Concurrent Session 7 12:30-2:30. We examine how the link between autism and migration was established and persistent over time.
Are you a humanities or social science researcher working in Australia who wants to collaborate or currently working with Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences colleagues? We’ve got up to 8 funded visiting fellowships on offer for 2022! Get applying now!!!!
Please come to this excellent online seminar on April 20! Featuring Isobelle Barrett Meyering Philippa Collin Eve Mayes (she/her)! Hosted by Jessica Gerrard susan goodwin & me protect-au.mimecast.com/s/b_B5C6XQ4Lfo…
Just 2 days until this fab online panel. Perfect for anyone interested in politics, young people, social movements or education past and present 👇 events.humanitix.com/young-people-a… Helen Proctor susan goodwin Eve Mayes (she/her) Philippa Collin Isobelle Barrett Meyering
My new article for HistAustJournal aims to open a conversation about Australian universities and the legacies and proceeds of Atlantic slavery. First 50 eprints free: tandfonline.com/eprint/F2E59XC…