Hessel Winsemius (@hcwinsemius) 's Twitter Profile
Hessel Winsemius


Associate Professor in Water Resources Management, Delft University of Technology

ID: 61535339

linkhttp://www.rainbowsensing.com calendar_today30-07-2009 16:50:33

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134 Following

Beth Tellman, Phd (@pazjusticiavida) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Excited to be en route to water@leeds for the global flood partnership mtg our theme this year is floods and people! water.leeds.ac.uk/global-flood-p… looking forward to catching up with my fave flood scientists and practitioners I haven’t seen in 3 years and meeting some new ones!

DeltaresNL (@deltaresnl) 's Twitter Profile Photo

De aanhoudende #droogte zorgt voor een flinke #bodemdaling in het Nederlandse veenweidegebied. De vraag is of deze daling van gemiddeld 2-4 cm, die is gemeten nog ongedaan kan worden gemaakt. Op het Bodemdalingscongres 6 okt. deelt Gilles Erkens, Deltares /UU zijn bevindingen.

De aanhoudende #droogte  zorgt voor een flinke #bodemdaling in het Nederlandse veenweidegebied. De vraag is of deze daling van gemiddeld 2-4 cm, die is gemeten nog ongedaan kan worden gemaakt. Op het Bodemdalingscongres 6 okt. deelt Gilles Erkens, Deltares /UU zijn bevindingen.
Hessel Winsemius (@hcwinsemius) 's Twitter Profile Photo

#measure how much #water is stored in #reservoirs #globally with the #Global #Water #Watch #API through #satellite #analysis. Read on at globalwaterwatch.earth/blog/use-case-… Deltares WWF WRI Aqueduct Google Water @ TU Delft Gennadii Donchyts Nick van de Giesen

Hessel Winsemius (@hcwinsemius) 's Twitter Profile Photo

globalwaterwatch.earth shows very high #reservoir #levels after multiple dry years in Lake #Lagdo and other upstream reservoirs. Releases may contribute to #Nigeria #floods. World Meteorological Organization World Food Programme WRI Aqueduct Deltares WWF

globalwaterwatch.earth shows very high #reservoir #levels after multiple dry years in Lake #Lagdo and other upstream reservoirs. Releases may contribute to #Nigeria #floods. <a href="/WMO/">World Meteorological Organization</a> <a href="/WFP/">World Food Programme</a> <a href="/WRIAqueduct/">WRI Aqueduct</a> <a href="/deltares/">Deltares</a> <a href="/WWF/">WWF</a>
Marjolijn Haasnoot (@lijnonline) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Overstromingen in Valkenburg lastig te voorkomen; grensoverschrijdend beheer- en meetplan nodig - Deltares ⁦Deltares⁩ deltares.nl/nl/nieuws/over…

TU Delft (@tudelft) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Vandaag om 15:30 uur bij #DeHeldenvanhetOnderwijs op #SBS6, waarin je wordt meegenomen in het werken in het onderwijs, zien we hoe Rolf Hut (TU Delft Civil Engineering and Geosciences) en Calvin Rans (TU Delft | Aerospace Engineering) een inspiratie zijn voor hun studenten. #tudelft

OpenMap Development Tanzania (@omdtz) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Meet Dieuvie Iyabe a fellow from the first cohort of the DRC, who will develop the system for remote monitoring of water consumption and managing the tap. The system will be controlled from a mobile app or computer. #africantech #africandata

Meet Dieuvie Iyabe a fellow from the first cohort of the DRC, who will develop the system for remote monitoring of water consumption and managing the tap. The system will be controlled from a mobile app or computer.

#africantech #africandata
Ruud Bartholomeus (@r_bartholomeus) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Mooie bijeenkomst #NHV: #citizenscience & #opensource in de #hydrologie (lnkd.in/evKvJCmi?) met bijdragen van o.a. Sandra de Vries Marit Bogert Onno Ebbens Gemeente Schouwen-Duiveland Arjen Roelandse Mark Bakker Hendrik Meuwese Hessel Winsemius…lnkd.in/euUApp5x

Rolf Hut (@rolfhut) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Last week I was in #nairobi for a workshop with #scientist from #Africa and #Europe to work on optimal #rainfall mapping for #eastafrica based in combining #satellite and ground observations from @tahmo_world. We made great progress and the weather dec… instagr.am/p/CqOR6cJsICA/

Last week I was in #nairobi for a workshop with #scientist from #Africa and #Europe to work on optimal #rainfall mapping for #eastafrica based in combining #satellite and ground observations from @tahmo_world. 

We made great progress and the weather dec… instagr.am/p/CqOR6cJsICA/
NickEverard (@nick_everard) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Only two weeks to EGU #EGU23! EGU Hydrology #Hydrometry sessions: HS1.2.2 River Flow w/ Anette Eltner Alonso Pizarro: meetingorganizer.copernicus.org/EGU23/session/… HS1.2.1 - MacGgyver session for self made tools w/ Rolf Hut photrack: meetingorganizer.copernicus.org/EGU23/session/…

Only two weeks to <a href="/EuroGeosciences/">EGU</a> #EGU23!

<a href="/EGU_HS/">EGU Hydrology</a> #Hydrometry sessions:
HS1.2.2 River Flow w/ <a href="/APhoto36826601/">Anette Eltner</a> <a href="/AlonsoPizarroV/">Alonso Pizarro</a>: meetingorganizer.copernicus.org/EGU23/session/…
HS1.2.1 - MacGgyver session for self made tools w/ <a href="/RolfHut/">Rolf Hut</a> <a href="/photrack/">photrack</a>:
NickEverard (@nick_everard) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Very excited to be part of the UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology group at EGU #EGU23 next week! Lots of great contributions from my fellow scientists! If you like rivers & tech, check out my sessions on hydrometry & EO for flood monitoring: meetingorganizer.copernicus.org/EGU23/session/… meetingorganizer.copernicus.org/EGU23/session/…

510 - An Initiative of the Netherlands Red Cross (@redcross510) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Anticipation Hub #GlobalDP is in full swing! Yesterday, 510’s Bouke Pieter Ottow & Sebongile Hlubi from Lesotho Red Cross co-presented the Global Water Watch 💧, a tool by Deltares which we use to support the Lesotho Red Cross with gaining more insights into hydrological droughts. It shows the amount

<a href="/AnticipationHub/">Anticipation Hub</a> #GlobalDP is in full swing! Yesterday, 510’s <a href="/BoukePieter/">Bouke Pieter Ottow</a> &amp; Sebongile Hlubi from <a href="/LesothoRedCross/">Lesotho Red Cross</a> co-presented the Global Water Watch 💧, a tool by <a href="/deltares/">Deltares</a> which we use to support
the Lesotho Red Cross with gaining more insights into hydrological droughts. It shows the amount
Pieter van der Zaag (@pieterzaag) 's Twitter Profile Photo

We are looking for a Postdoc researcher on Sand rivers for small holder irrigators in the Sahel, part of our A4Store project join.un-ihe.org/vacancy-public…

GFDRR (@gfdrr) 's Twitter Profile Photo

A lively #UR24 debate between Bruno Sánchez-Andrade Nuño and Ivan Gayton — two practitioners working at the intersection of #AI and humanitarianism — on whether 🤖 AI or 👩🏾 humankind holds the key to understanding risks in the future.  🤔 Whose side are you on?

A lively #UR24 debate between <a href="/brunosan/">Bruno Sánchez-Andrade Nuño</a> and <a href="/ivangayton/">Ivan Gayton</a> — two practitioners working at the intersection of #AI and humanitarianism — on whether 🤖 AI or 👩🏾 humankind holds the key to understanding risks in the future. 

🤔 Whose side are you on?