HCDSB Mental Health & Well-Being
The official account for Mental Health & Well-Being information & resources at the Halton Catholic District School Board.
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19-10-2020 20:20:47
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Helpful tools from School Mental Health Ontario to kick off a #MentallyHealthy School year as we welcome and connect with our students! 👇🏼👀👇🏼Halton Catholic DSB C Jack- Caldeira 😊

Helpful tools from School Mental Health Ontario co-designed with educators for educators as we welcome & connect with our Kindergarten students Halton Catholic DSB! C Jack- Caldeira Jaclyn Priest-Brown (she/her) Lisa Commisso Antonietta Holmes 👇🏼👀👇🏼😊

We’re looking forward to welcoming our ‘Tiny Teachers’ back into our Halton Catholic DSB schools. Thanks to our trained CYC & DECE Roots of Empathy Instructors for their support in delivering this program each year. If you know of a family with a baby ages 2-4 months, reach out! 💚 Reah Shin

To all school staff who are having #NDTR conversations with students, thank you. You're part of the way forward. Woodland Cultural Centre provides ideas for recognizing Orange Shirt Day / NDTR & beyond. woodlandculturalcentre.ca/osd-2024/ #EveryChildMatters

This fall, School Mental Health Ontario, alongside First Peoples Wellness Circle (FPWC), is supporting a series of community conversations with First Nations, Inuit, and Métis parents/caregivers on the development of a mental health toolkit. Stay tuned for more info!

A privilege to present with Krystle Robertson (she/her) at the St. Clair CDSB SEL Conference this morning. Sharing our knowledge & experience in training & the delivery of the MindUP program to support Ss well-being across Halton Catholic DSB Reah Shin C Jack- Caldeira John Klein HCDSB_CYCs HCDSB Mental Health & Well-Being