Hartland Jackson (@hartjackson) 's Twitter Profile
Hartland Jackson


New Investigator building a team focused on imaging mass cytometry, digital pathology, and systems biology #LTRI

ID: 370120889

linkhttp://www.lunenfeld.ca/?page=jackson-hartland calendar_today08-09-2011 14:06:06

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Mengze Zhang (@mengzezhang0802) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Beyond excited to show my first 121-plex results at IMSIS 2023! A group effort contributed together by John Abbey Bodenmiller lab and AmberGen! Stay tuned for more high-plex spatial proteomics results with the #MALDI #HiPLEX technology!

Tatsuya Tsukahara (@tatsuyatsuka0) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Come join our team in Toronto! We are currently recruiting postdocs (Molecular and Systems Neuroscience) and a research technician (tsukaharalab.org/contact/). Please apply or RT! Also feel free to reach out to me with any questions.

Kieran Campbell (@kieranrcampbell) 's Twitter Profile Photo

How can active and self-supervised learning methods improve the efficiency of human annotation of single-cell data? Our paper exploring this (& more!) is now out โžก๏ธ nature.com/articles/s4146โ€ฆ

How can active and self-supervised learning methods improve the efficiency of human annotation of single-cell data?

Our paper exploring this (& more!) is now out โžก๏ธ nature.com/articles/s4146โ€ฆ
Arnaud Krebs (@arnaud_kr) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Dream speaker lineup at our rebranded 'Quantitative Biology to molecular mechanism' conference' EMBL in November. Co-organized with Lacra Bintu Tineke Lenstra Savitski Lab Hartland Jackson . Many abstract selected talks! Register and apply ๐Ÿ‘‡

Dream speaker lineup at our rebranded 'Quantitative Biology to molecular mechanism' conference' <a href="/embl/">EMBL</a> in November.  Co-organized with <a href="/BintuLacra/">Lacra Bintu</a> <a href="/tinekelenstra/">Tineke Lenstra</a> <a href="/savitski_lab/">Savitski Lab</a> <a href="/hartjackson/">Hartland Jackson</a> . Many abstract selected talks! Register and apply ๐Ÿ‘‡
Tom Ouellette (@tomouellette6) 's Twitter Profile Photo

I think this sort of approach is going to be really important, in particular, for quantifying true cell interactions in single-cell spatial data. Expression on cell type borders often seems unique, but diffusion ๐‘Ž๐‘›๐‘‘ segmentation errors generally explain much of that variation.

Hartland Jackson (@hartjackson) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Sorry to tell you, but your cell segmentation is never going to be perfect. Time to check out STARLING for great clusters from your spatial data๐Ÿฆโ€โฌ› Awesome work by Jett Lee and our first of many collaborations with Kieran Campbell

Mikko Taipale (@mike_tilapia) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Our paper on functional discovery of protein degradation and stabilization effectors with proteome-scale induced proximity screens is out in its final version! 1/ nature.com/articles/s4158โ€ฆ rdcu.be/dBUju

GregorySchwartz (@schwartastic) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Introducing NEST, our deep-learning solution for detecting cell-cell communication on #SpatialTrascriptomics data at single-spot or #SingleCell precision! Pre-print: biorxiv.org/content/10.110โ€ฆ NEST: github.com/schwartzlab-meโ€ฆ NEST-Interactive: github.com/schwartzlab-meโ€ฆ

Denis (@denisschapiro) 's Twitter Profile Photo

I am incredibly happy to share that we have recently started the European Society for Spatial Biology (ESSB) European Society for Spatial Biology which will be hosting its first conference in Berlin 12-13 of December 2024: spatialbiologysociety.eu

Anirban Maitra (@aiims1742) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Uh-oh ๐Ÿ˜ฌ KPC-luciferase-expressing cells elicit an anti-tumor immune response in a mouse model of #PancreaticCancer nature.com/articles/s4159โ€ฆ Not the only preclinical model where this has been been described by the way journals.plos.org/plosone/articlโ€ฆ nature.com/articles/s4159โ€ฆ

Arnaud Krebs (@arnaud_kr) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Quantitative biology folks - this conference is for you! Join us EMBL Events for the #QBMM conference in November. Stellar line up - 20 abstract selected talks. embl.org/about/info/couโ€ฆ w Lacra Bintu Tineke Lenstra Savitski Lab Hartland Jackson

Quantitative biology folks - this conference is for you! Join us <a href="/EMBLEvents/">EMBL Events</a> for the #QBMM conference in November. Stellar line up - 20 abstract selected talks. embl.org/about/info/couโ€ฆ w <a href="/BintuLacra/">Lacra Bintu</a> <a href="/tinekelenstra/">Tineke Lenstra</a> <a href="/savitski_lab/">Savitski Lab</a> <a href="/hartjackson/">Hartland Jackson</a>
EMBL Events (@emblevents) 's Twitter Profile Photo

๐Ÿงฌ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿป Only a week left to submit your abstract for 'Quantitative biology to molecular mechanisms' โ€“ over 20 talks will be selected from abstracts, with a priority for early stage researchers, so don't miss your chance! #EMBLOmics โžก๏ธ s.embl.org/omx24-01 ๐Ÿ“œ Deadline: 27 Aug

๐Ÿงฌ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿป Only a week left to submit your abstract for 'Quantitative biology to molecular mechanisms' โ€“ over 20 talks will be selected from abstracts, with a priority for early stage researchers, so don't miss your chance! #EMBLOmics

โžก๏ธ s.embl.org/omx24-01

๐Ÿ“œ Deadline: 27 Aug
The Fuchs lab (@elainefuchslab) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Our latest paper is out in nature! Hair follicle stem cells activate phagocytosis to clear apoptotic neighbours and maintain homeostasis๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿผ Shout-out to Katie Stewart and everyone involded for the great work ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿผ nature.com/articles/s4158โ€ฆ

Arnaud Krebs (@arnaud_kr) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Using systematic approaches in biology?Have a cool story to present? We have extended the deadline for abstract submission for the QBMM meeting! We will select >20 talks from abstract, including junior researchers. Join us this November in Heidelberg EMBL. September 9th!