Harish Gopalakrishna
Hepatology Fellow @NIDDK | MHSc @DukeSOM | passionate about clinical research in hepatology | Soccer enthusiast ⚽️
ID: 987417130390949889
20-04-2018 19:46:03
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MASLD from teen to twenties- Great talk👏 Yaron Rotman on Role of inheritance. #TLM23 #MASLD
Busy day (2) - Nehna Abdul Majeed, MD from the NIDDK Liver Diseases Branch & UMarylandGI showing a simple modification to #FIB4 - ModFIB - markedly improved detection of advanced liver disease in people with #MASLD #TLM23 #RotmanLab #LiverTwitter
Had a great experience AASLD #TLM2023 4 abstracts presented, thanks to mentors Yaron Rotman, Dr Heller, Marc Ghany, M.D. Rejuvenated and motivated to get more work done. See you all in San Diego.
Our latest publication on chronic liver disease in prolidase deficiency Thanks to Dr Theo Heller, Bilal Asif, MD David Kleiner pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/38304571/ #NIDDK
Exciting times ahead in hepatitis B management! Our latest review explores novel drugs in the pipeline and potential breakthrough combinations. Marc Ghany, M.D. #HBV #HepBFree #LiverHealth link.springer.com/article/10.100…
Our latest publication Optimizing surveillance of low-risk metabolic dysfunction... : European Journal of Gastroenterology & Hepatology journals.lww.com/eurojgh/abstra… Thanks to my mentor Yaron Rotman #livertwitter #MASLD #NIDDK
‘Genomic Targets in MASH Therapy’ presented with excellence by Yaron Rotman (Yaron Rotman) MD, MSC, FAASLD. Accelerating Discovery * Strength in numbers: * Larger populations * GWAS -> EWAS * Strength in phenotype: * ALT/Liver fat - Liver disease -> Clinical outcomes
Excited to share our latest meta-analysis on incidence of cirrhosis and HCC after Fontan surgery roypounder.apt -> cumulative incidence of cirrhosis and HCC after 20 years of Fontan surgery was 32.2% and 3.9% respectively. #livertwitter onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/ap…
Hepatology consultation was associated with 📉 return to alcohol use and hazardous use at 26 weeks in an inpatient population of patients with AUD ➡️ 21% of patients had evidence of ALD @MianBKhalid Bilal Asif, MD CKoh #theoheller Hepatology Communications journals.lww.com/hepcomm/fullte…
Important work!! by Maria Mironova #theoheller LSM >10 KPa or Platelet <100k ➡️poor prognosis in NCPH Grateful to be part of this 🙏🏽 Nehna Abdul Majeed, MD David Kleiner CKoh NIDDK #livertwitter
We are seeking candidates for our clinical hepatology fellowship starting in July 2025. Acceptances based on rolling basis and apply by November 15! niddk.nih.gov/research-fundi…. Harish Gopalakrishna Maria Mironova Yaron Rotman
Many thanks to funding support from NIH NIDDK ! Full paper gut.bmj.com/content/early/… Share the knowledge! Bilal Asif, MD Cynthia Hsu Harish Gopalakrishna Howard T. Lee MD FAST Wei Zhang MD PHD Irun Bhan Yaron Rotman David Yardeni CKoh Brian T Lee MD