sarah burton
Midwife, Mother, Wife, Sister, Aunt and Advocate (and pet owner)
ID: 566542082
29-04-2012 18:18:01
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Delighted that this fantastic event is returning for 2024 and as always delighted to be a part of it Tipswalo Day

Absolutely brilliant! Really well done and very much deserved Cerian Llewelyn 👏🥳💪🙌🎉 Another fantastic achievement.

Feeling very honoured to be part of the team shortlisted for this prestigious award RCM Wales so proud of the work we’ve achieved and committed to continuing the progress Tipswalo Day Hywel Dda UHB Sharon Daniel

Fan flippin tastic 👏 proud to be a work colleague Faith Worrall Kristy Hutch Lisa George

Women who don’t speak English are 25x more likely to die in childbirth. Ask yourself why. How are we failing these women? How could we better serve them - and save their lives? Dr Yasmin Mulji for The Guardian theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/a…

RCM Students will be hosting a webinar on bereavement care 24 September at 7pm. Will be joined by Alexander Heazell 4Louis and bereavement midwife Stephanie Thompson. Book your place now rcm.org.uk/rcm-events/202…

Colin the Dachshund . This is very, very funny! 😂 #bbcpm #FarageRiots . x.com/DachshundColin…

I am thrilled to share that the amazing Bernie Davies will be joining us as our keynote speaker in October! Only 2 weeks to go until booking opens so be sure to sort your study leave and secure your place.

A record breaking August for our group supervision attendance! Some amazing guest speakers and, as always, thrilled with our engagement from our fantastic MDT 🎊. Kristy Hutch Clinical Supervision for Midwives (Wales) Alison sarah burton Lynnsmithhurley emma booth Cerian Llewelyn