Hannah Kaube
PhD candidate @AbdelRahman_Lab @HumboldtUni | effect of knowledge on art perception | brain processes, emotion, cognition | (she/her)
ID: 1482761766052540416
16-01-2022 17:10:56
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"Flow: people who are easily absorbed in an activity may have better mental and cardiovascular health." A very nice read, written by Miriam Mosing, about the science behind the relation between flow and (mental) health theconversation.com/flow-people-wh… via The Conversation

Can Art Be Data? A specific sense in which we think so. As evidence of salutary effects of at therapy in post-traumatic stress symptoms. Vicente Estrada Gonzalez lead author of the primary research. | Psychology Today psychologytoday.com/intl/blog/brai…

Tracing #emotions: Together w/ an interdisciplinary #research team, Max Planck Institute for Empirical Aesthetics's Julia F. Christensen & Gemma Roig studied #dance #movements to assess emotional expressivity using the newly developed software #EMOKINE. Out now in Behavior Research Methods: doi.org/10.3758/s13428…

arxiv.org/abs/2407.06345 PREPRINT OUT! Super thrilled to share our work on real-world multi-person eye tracking. We synchronize and project gaze from audience members watching a LIVE concert/film on Innocence Project (see video).👀 Big thanks to all involved and our PI Lauren Fink

We can't help but judge people based on their appearance. Our ongoing, sometimes disheartening, work on the conflation of aesthetic and moral values. with Mariola (shorter: Maja) Paruzel-Czachura Judging People at a Glance | Psychology Today psychologytoday.com/us/blog/brain-…

New interesting paper by Eftychia Stamkou et al. in Scientific Reports shows that emotional experiences of art exist on gradients rather than in clusters, with mixed #aestheticexperiences for each artwork (see pie charts): Explore emotions & artworks here: barradeau.com/2021/emotions-…

Excited to collaborate on the MuVE Project (Museum Visitor Experience) with the with CReA Lab & MediaLab PhilKult funded by Vienna Doctoral School CoBeNe: We're diving into what moves the eye, what moves us, and how we move in museum spaces using #mobileyetracking. More info: crea.univie.ac.at/projects/muve-…