Dr. Sarah Gutowsky
Seabird Biologist @environmentca.
Adjunct Research Associate @DalhousieU.
Member of Council @SCO_SOC
ID: 2323899712
http://www.sarahgutowsky.com 04-02-2014 12:59:51
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Please share: I’m advertising two PhD/postdoc positions in my group, exciting projects and great teams: 1. Comparing repro metrics across scales in waterfowl (Matt Dyson): jobs.rwfm.tamu.edu/view-job/?id=9… 2. Quantifying the cost of reverse/risky migrations: jobs.rwfm.tamu.edu/view-job/?id=9…

The second chapter of my PhD is now published #OpenAccess in BOU 👩🏻🏫👨🏿🏫🧕🏽👳🏽♂️ 🌈! ‘Using citizen science image analysis to measure #seabird phenology’➡️ doi.org/10.1111/ibi.13… #seabirds #ornithology #CitizenScience #CitSci 1/9 A short thread below...

Just out in #OpenAccess in Arctic Science Journal ! The history of #seabird research at the Prince Leopold Island field station in #Nunavut; with Dr. Jennifer Provencher Grant Gilchrist Dr. Sarah Gutowsky and others cdnsciencepub.com/eprint/PYU9BYU…

#DUPodcast: Ep. 558 – Adventures on the High Seas with Polar Expeditionist and Ornithological Badass, Dr. Sarah Gutowsky First-time guest and recent Ducks Unlimited CAN postdoctoral researcher, Dr. Sarah Gutowsky (Dr. Sarah Gutowsky), joins Dr. Mike Brasher for a trip around the world studying

"...if you want your science to have an impact on policy, you need to work with people affected by the policy." Mark Mallory, Arctic Science Journal co-Editor, reflects on all facets of his life—from research and collaboration to folk music and family ow.ly/YHkO50QXOXX

Barometric geolocators are game changers when in comes to tracking small birds! Read our new perspective paper lead by Garrett Rhyne in Ornithology: doi.org/10.1093/ornith… | #ornithology #birdmigrtion | Raphaël Nussbaumer Vogelwarte_Science

#WomenInSeabirdScience Sarah Gutowsky Dr. Sarah Gutowsky is a Quantitative Seabird Biologist at Canadian Wildlife Service, Environment and Climate Change Canada developing monitoring strategies for Canada’s #seabirds that allow for effective assessments of population size and trends

Today is a great day to spread your wings and discover the 463 #bird species in Canada and how you can help them. 🦉 Check out the most complete overview of Canada’s birds to date: ow.ly/MVQH50TGOlR Birds Canada Art by: Shaylena Stenback

New 📰| Bigmouth Buffalo (Ictiobus cyprinellus) migratory behaviour and seasonal home range overlap are functions of geographic space in a fragmented riverscape 🐟 Read it ➡️ ow.ly/uO1550THJmL 👥 Lee FG Gutowsky 🇺🇦 Eva Enders Fisheries and Oceans University of Nebraska-Lincoln Minnesota DNR Institut national de la recherche scientifique

A meta-analysis of the impact of drones on birds | esajournals.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.10… | ESA Frontiers | #ornithology

Just out in Arctic Science Journal ! Led by Carina Gjerdrum we review the history of monitoring #seabirds at sea in eastern and #Arctic #Canada #ornithology cdnsciencepub.com/eprint/EZRRKTG…