Dr Hakim Yadi OBE (@hakim_yadi) 's Twitter Profile
Dr Hakim Yadi OBE


CEO & Co-Founder @Closed_Loop_Med | Non-Exec Chair @4healthalliance | Proud Father. Retweets do not imply endorsement, just interest. #DataSavesLives

ID: 197391516

linkhttp://www.closedloopmedicine.com calendar_today01-10-2010 11:22:40

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Dr Hakim Yadi OBE (@hakim_yadi) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Be brave, commit. HS2 is one of the most important things this government can do to build a U.K. economy. It may not pay back now. But it WILL payback. We can’t go out to bat with one hand behind our back.

Dr Hakim Yadi OBE (@hakim_yadi) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Agree Henri Murison Uk gov must be brave + commit. HS2 is one of the most important things this government can do to build a U.K. economy. It may not pay back now. But it WILL payback. We can’t go out to bat with one hand behind our back.

Closed Loop Medicine (@closed_loop_med) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Our CEO, @Hakim_Yadi shared his insights in part 2 of the Scrip, Citeline Commercial series “Scrip Asks… What does 2024 hold for biopharma?” on the funding environment, M&A, and partnering. Read the full article here: bit.ly/3Um4Ri3

Our CEO, @Hakim_Yadi shared his insights in part 2 of the <a href="/PharmaScrip/">Scrip, Citeline Commercial</a> series “Scrip Asks… What does 2024 hold for biopharma?” on the funding environment, M&amp;A, and partnering. Read the full article here: bit.ly/3Um4Ri3
David Van Sickle (@dvansickle) 's Twitter Profile Photo

From earlier this week - notes on digital health vs chronic disease, or Why is hypertension absent in Kenya but common in London?

Dr Hakim Yadi OBE (@hakim_yadi) 's Twitter Profile Photo

#hypertension is the biggest cause of death globally, and yet we have the tools and technologies to cure this sill killer. We need to move to a world where we treat the individual not the disease if we are to improve outcomes for those diagnosed with high blood pressure.

Dr Hakim Yadi OBE (@hakim_yadi) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Health = Wealth and we have misunderstood this to our peril by allowing the U.K.’s health inequality to rise disproportionately

Dr Hakim Yadi OBE (@hakim_yadi) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Hugely important day for Closed Loop Medicine as we publish our trial results on drug dose optimisation for patients with hypertension. Treat the individual, not just the disease. #PrecisionCareForAll

Dr Hakim Yadi OBE (@hakim_yadi) 's Twitter Profile Photo

So today the documentary #LoverStalkerKiller goes live on Netflix. Hugely proud of what my amazing wife Sophie Clayton-Payne and the team from Curious Films have achieved in carefully and thoughtfully bringing this important story to screen. netflix.com/title/81611991

Closed Loop Medicine (@closed_loop_med) 's Twitter Profile Photo

In case you missed it, our CEO @Hakim_Yadi sat with BioCentury to discuss how applying real-time PK/PD monitoring to personalize the dosing of #GLP1s can improve patient outcomes. Read the full article at BioCentury: shorturl.at/ixCD7 #Obesity #PrecisionCare #TechBio

In case you missed it, our CEO @Hakim_Yadi sat with <a href="/BioCentury/">BioCentury</a> to discuss how applying real-time PK/PD monitoring to personalize the dosing of #GLP1s can improve patient outcomes.

Read the full article at BioCentury: shorturl.at/ixCD7

#Obesity #PrecisionCare #TechBio