Hansjörg Dilger (@hdilger.bsky.social)
Social and Cultural Anthropologist @FU_Berlin, Director of @sfb1171 & Co-speaker of @AnthroPublics, Co-PI of @MoRePPaR & Co-moderator @medethnoblog
ID: 854787784271331328
http://www.polsoz.fu-berlin.de/en/ethnologie/personen/professorinnen/dilger.html 19-04-2017 20:04:23
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You can now read Laibor Kalanga Moko and my reflections on our visit to Oxford and the Pitt Rivers Museum at the blog of Affective Societies affective-societies.de/2024/aus-der-f…

Assembling Medical Anthropology & STS in Amsterdam - catching up & having fun over food & drinks! Dr Natashe Lemos Dekker Marcos Andrade Neves Giorgio Brocco #EASST4S2024 MAE/MAYS

Are you working on care, ageing or illness, join us for our panel, co-organized with Rikke Sand Andersen and @a_samuels_ ‘Unpacking temporal, spatial and relational dimensions of care trajectories in life-limiting illness’ next week at #EASA2024 in Barcelona! #medanth

Want to publish a book in #MedicalAnthropology? Join us for our book series launch on Wed 24/07, 13:15, at the Palgrave Macmillan booth during #EASA2024 in Barcelona, come have a drink with us and discuss your ideas! We look forward to learn about your projects! Rikke Sand Andersen Hansjörg Dilger (@hdilger.bsky.social)

Two excellent new books in the ‘Religion in Transforming Africa’ Boydell Africa. Congratulations to the authors & editors.

Join us for the launch of our book series "Transformations in Medical Anthropology" today! ▶️ 1:15pm @ the Palgrave booth in the publishers area - we look forward to seeing you there! Dr Natashe Lemos Dekker Rikke Sand Andersen MAE/MAYS Medizinethnologie #EASA2024 ▶️ medizinethnologie.net/new-book-serie…

Inviting applications for four #postdoc positions in the new European Research Council (ERC) Consolidator Project on small social media platforms w/ ethnography & data science. Deadline for applications: 31 Aug '24. bit.ly/ERCpostdocSMAL… Looking forward to having you on my team :)

A first recognition of Queer Companions Duke University Press beyond the queer academy, ever so special coming from peers working in/on Pakistan. A win for desi queer thought & unstraight lives; a signal that intimacy, desire, sexuality sharpen knowledges of area, history, society. Shukriya

Two more weeks to apply for #MIASA #Fellowships and #IFGs University of Ghana in the academic year 2025/26. Application deadline: 30 August 2024 More info: miasa.ug.edu.gh/fellowship-pro… Universität Freiburg Africa Centre for Transregional Research Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies (FRIAS) Goethe-Universität German Institute for Global and Area Studies DHI Paris @[email protected]

My new paper, "Chronopolitics: Decolonising African Migration Studies". Open Access in Critical African Studies Journal Critical African Studies Journal: tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.10…

Ursula Probst (@probursula.bsky.social) & I are looking for a new student assistant for our MoRePPaR research project on "Mobility regimes of pandemic preparedness & response: The case of Covid-19" Freie Universität: fu-berlin.de/universitaet/b… If you are interested in the position, please apply by October 7!

Warum über Gefühle forschen? 🙂😳😊😀🫣 ...diese Frage haben wir in einem Interview mit Margreth Lünenborg, Christian von Scheve, Max Müller und Hansjörg Dilger (@hdilger.bsky.social) zu beantworten versucht: rb.gy/jyko6s

Interested in doing your doctorate in Berlin? The Mexican-German International Research Training Group ‘Temporalities of Future in Latin America' offers 12 research assistant positions (3 years, starting May 2025). Come & join us at Freie Universität! fu-berlin.de/universitaet/b…

Very excited to have signed a book contract with Routledge Books for my first monograph, provisionally entitled 'Dangerous Technologies: Crime and Digital Divides in (South) Africa'. The book explores why digital technologies have featured at the heart of S.A.'s crime crisis.