king MJ 🇿🇼🤴🤴🤴
Certified Public Health Journalist
#YNWA #Beekeeper #Gaffa4Life
ID: 461050607 11-01-2012 11:50:35
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If you going to Ruwa, Zimre, Damafalls etc, would advise you stick in town until this jungle clears. This is Masasa round about #Traffic Ruwa Watch
Honoured to have been awarded by NAC Zimbabwe in the Media Awards. Came 2nd in the #Online Media category for consistent and accurate coverage of #HIV and #AIDS issues. Ministry of HealthZW Ministry of Information, Publicity & Broadcasting Blessed And Loved Health Communicators Forum Zimbabwe CNS You(th)Adapt Media Monitors UNFPA Zimbabwe #Zimbabwe
#HappeningNow People are coming through for HIV, sexually transmitted infections (STIs), and cervical cancer screening services during a moonlight testing session organized by the National Aids Council at Muzarabani Growth Point, Mashonaland Central Province. 📸 Anesu Masamvu
Health Communicators Forum Zimbabwe Anna AVAC Pangaea Zimbabwe WHO Zimbabwe NAC Zimbabwe TalentM🌸 Gwen K. Mugauri Hazvinei Mwanaka Itai Josh Rusike Buhle king MJ 🇿🇼🤴🤴🤴 Congratulations Anna on your incredible success.Proud of your appointment 👏
king MJ 🇿🇼🤴🤴🤴 You bring an interesting point