Gun Haus (@gunhaus) 's Twitter Profile
Gun Haus


Militair, EOD/C-IED @BelgiumDefence #DOVOSEDEE "Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not his own facts."

ID: 565374300

calendar_today28-04-2012 09:01:33

756 Tweet


213 Following

Gun Haus (@gunhaus) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Verkiezingen komen eraan. Wie zal daad bij woord voegen? Moet België meer in defensie investeren? Dit zeggen de voorzitters van de Vlaamse partijen

Gun Haus (@gunhaus) 's Twitter Profile Photo

En weten dat de temperatuur van het water rond de 3 graden ligt brrrrr DOVO - SEDEE - Belgian EOD Belgian Defence Belgian Navy 🇧🇪 Belgian Army Intensieve examenweek voor leerling-duikers - Semaine intense d’examens ...… via YouTube

DOVO - SEDEE - Belgian EOD (@dovo_sedee) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Behind the breathtaking dives and picturesque locations lies the reality of our duty This time, our diving team was braving the frigid waters of the Canadian polar circle, showcasing the true grit and dedication of our EOD bomb techs #Bel #EOD #Diver

Behind the breathtaking dives and picturesque locations lies the reality of our duty

This time, our diving team was braving the frigid waters of the Canadian polar circle, showcasing the true grit and dedication of our EOD bomb techs

#Bel #EOD #Diver
Ian Alderman (@ialderman) 's Twitter Profile Photo

6 years and 18 venues into @recoveringthepast nationwide tour of Australia.Its Genesis Imaging supplied C-type prints still look amazing after thousands of miles shipping between venues.Great job Genesis! Still unique,the long-term social & physical consequences of war laid bare

6 years and 18 venues into @recoveringthepast nationwide tour of Australia.Its <a href="/genesisimaging/">Genesis Imaging</a> supplied C-type prints still look amazing after thousands of miles shipping between venues.Great job Genesis! Still unique,the long-term social &amp; physical consequences of war laid bare
DOVO - SEDEE - Belgian EOD (@dovo_sedee) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Remembering André, Jean, Wilfried, and Xavier, who tragically lost their lives in an explosion on a day much like today, 38 years ago. They will not be forgotten 🌹 Pericula Non Timeo

Remembering André, Jean, Wilfried, and Xavier, who tragically lost their lives in an explosion on a day much like today, 38 years ago.

They will not be forgotten 🌹 

Pericula Non Timeo
DOVO - SEDEE - Belgian EOD (@dovo_sedee) 's Twitter Profile Photo

On Tuesday, May 28, 2024, our CBRN Hy team trained Circuit Zolder The exercise simulated a scenario where trash bins, containing a CBRNe device, were set to cause mass casualties Colleagues from the Czech EOD participated with a similar scenario #Bel #CBRN #EOD 📷 CC Buysmans

On Tuesday, May 28, 2024, our CBRN Hy team trained <a href="/CircuitZolder/">Circuit Zolder</a>

The exercise simulated a scenario where trash bins, containing a CBRNe device, were set to cause mass casualties

Colleagues from the Czech EOD participated with a similar scenario


📷 CC Buysmans
DOVO - SEDEE - Belgian EOD (@dovo_sedee) 's Twitter Profile Photo

On this day, June 10th, we remember and honor the seven comrades from our Battalion who tragically lost their lives in 1969 Their sacrifice will never be forgotten. RIP, dear friends. Your bravery and service inspire us every day #Bel #EOD #InMemoriam

On this day, June 10th, we remember and honor the seven comrades from our Battalion who tragically lost their lives in 1969

Their sacrifice will never be forgotten. RIP, dear friends. Your bravery and service inspire us every day

#Bel #EOD #InMemoriam
Gun Haus (@gunhaus) 's Twitter Profile Photo

👇🏼 Beste politici. Het is tijd voor actie. Geen woorden, maar daden!!! Lees dit artikel op De Morgen

Defensieadjudant - Adjudant de La Défense 🇧🇪 (@def_adjudant1) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Must read, sense of reality and urgency ! Michelle Haas, onderzoeker: ‘Links heeft de realo-trein gemist op defensievlak’…

Belgian Defence (@belgiumdefence) 's Twitter Profile Photo

De Dienst voor Opruiming en Vernietiging van Ontploffingstuigen 🇧🇪 #DOVO traint deze week, in Eupen en Elsenborn, samen met de Zwitserse 🇨🇭 politie voor interventies bij geïmproviseerde explosieven…

De Dienst voor Opruiming en Vernietiging van Ontploffingstuigen 🇧🇪 #DOVO traint deze week, in Eupen en Elsenborn, samen met de Zwitserse 🇨🇭 politie voor interventies bij geïmproviseerde explosieven…