Guðmundur Ingi Guðbrandsson (@gu_brandsson) 's Twitter Profile
Guðmundur Ingi Guðbrandsson


Félags- og vinnumarkaðsráðherra / Minister of Social Affairs and the Labour Market in Iceland. Instagram: mummigudbrands

ID: 1501251119036747780

link calendar_today08-03-2022 17:39:47

20 Tweet


23 Following

Guðmundur Ingi Guðbrandsson (@gu_brandsson) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Átti góðan fund í dag með Gylfa Þór Þorsteinsyni, sem ég réð sem aðgerðarstjóra teymis félags- og vinnumarkaðsráðuneytisins vegna móttöku einstaklinga á flótta frá Úkraínu. Gylfi Þór er kraftmikill maður og greinilegt að við erum komin með réttan mann í verkið.

Átti góðan fund í dag með Gylfa Þór Þorsteinsyni, sem ég réð sem aðgerðarstjóra teymis félags- og vinnumarkaðsráðuneytisins vegna móttöku einstaklinga á flótta frá Úkraínu. Gylfi Þór er kraftmikill maður og greinilegt að við erum komin með réttan mann í verkið.
NorwayUN (@norwayun) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Historic commitment by the Nordics. We stand together for a green and gender-equal Nordic region! 🇳🇴🇸🇪🇩🇰 🇫🇮 🇫🇴 🇬🇱 🇮🇸 🇦🇽 State Secretary Gry Haugsbakken on behalf of AnetteTrettebergst. signing for #Norway handed over to Sima Bahous. Read the text! 👇#CSW66 📸Pontus Höök/

Historic commitment by the Nordics. We stand together for a green and gender-equal Nordic region! 🇳🇴🇸🇪🇩🇰 🇫🇮 🇫🇴 🇬🇱 🇮🇸 🇦🇽

State Secretary <a href="/Haugsbakken/">Gry Haugsbakken</a> on behalf of <a href="/Trettebergstuen/">AnetteTrettebergst.</a> signing for #Norway handed over to <a href="/unwomenchief/">Sima Bahous</a>.

Read the text! 👇#CSW66

📸Pontus Höök/
Dr. Natalia Kanem /she/her/ella/ (@atayeshe) 's Twitter Profile Photo

In my meeting with Minister Guðmundur Ingi Guðbrandsson, I thanked him for #Iceland’s strong support to UNFPA, including to our humanitarian response in Ukraine, and highlighted our work on gender-responsive climate action.

In my meeting with Minister <a href="/gu_brandsson/">Guðmundur Ingi Guðbrandsson</a>, I thanked him for #Iceland’s strong support to <a href="/UNFPA/">UNFPA</a>, including to our humanitarian response in Ukraine, and highlighted our work on gender-responsive climate action.
UN Women Nordic (@unwomennordic) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Thank you to the Nordic Council of Ministers for Gender Equality and LGBTI Nordic Co-operation for jointly committing to Feminist Action for Climate Justice. “We count on you to increase investments in gender-responsive climate solutions” says Sima Bahous Photocredit:Pontus Höök

Thank you to the Nordic Council of Ministers for Gender Equality and LGBTI <a href="/nordenen/">Nordic Co-operation</a> for jointly committing to Feminist Action for Climate Justice. “We count on you to increase investments in gender-responsive climate solutions” says <a href="/unwomenchief/">Sima Bahous</a> 

Photocredit:Pontus Höök
NordicEnergyResearch (@nef_oslo) 's Twitter Profile Photo

JOIN the livestreamed Nordic Day tomorrow, online or on site! Appearances from Ministers for Nordic Cooperation Anne Beathe Tvinnereim, Anna Hallberg, Flemming Møller Mortensen, Thomas Blomqvist, & Guðmundur Ingi Guðbrandsson, and more, are part of the program. Check it out at

Guðmundur Ingi Guðbrandsson (@gu_brandsson) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Virkilega ánægjulegt þegar verða miklar framfarir í þjónustu við fólk. „Stórt skref fram á við“ -… via

Nordisk Samarbejde (@nordensk) 's Twitter Profile Photo

De nordiska länderna ska stärka sitt samarbete i kriser. Det slår de nordiska samarbetsministrarna fast i en deklaration. Vid kriser ska samarbetsministrarna bl.a. värna om att det tas hänsyn till nordiska perspektiv innan nationella beslut fattas #nrpol

De nordiska länderna ska stärka sitt samarbete i kriser. Det slår de nordiska samarbetsministrarna fast i en deklaration. Vid kriser ska samarbetsministrarna bl.a. värna om att det tas hänsyn till nordiska perspektiv innan nationella beslut fattas #nrpol
Katrín Jakobsdóttir (@katrinjak) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Hjerteskærende nyheder fra København i aften hvor menneskeliv er blevet tabt på grund af uforståelig og meningsløs vold. Den danske befolkning er i Islændingernes tanker i dag. Vi står med jer.

Iceland Nordic 🇮🇸 (@icelandnordicco) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Forsætisráðherra Íslands Katrín Jakobsdóttir kynnti formennskuáætlun Íslands á Norðurlandaráðsþingi, fyrir komandi formennskuár Íslands í Norrænu ráðherranefndinni. Formennskuáætlunin ber heitið „Norðurlönd - Afl til friðar” #NRPOL #NRSESSION

Forsætisráðherra Íslands <a href="/katrinjak/">Katrín Jakobsdóttir</a> kynnti formennskuáætlun Íslands á Norðurlandaráðsþingi, fyrir komandi formennskuár Íslands í Norrænu ráðherranefndinni. Formennskuáætlunin ber heitið „Norðurlönd - Afl til friðar” #NRPOL #NRSESSION
Guðmundur Ingi Guðbrandsson (@gu_brandsson) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Today I met Karen Ellemann who is newly appointed as Secretary General of the Nordic Council of Ministers. We had a productive meeting discussing the year ahead as Iceland will hold the presidency in the Nordic Council of Ministers. I am looking forward to a great co-operation.

Today I met Karen Ellemann who is newly appointed as Secretary General of the Nordic Council of Ministers. We had a productive meeting discussing the year ahead as Iceland will hold the presidency in the Nordic Council of Ministers. I am looking forward to a great co-operation.
Helena Dalli (@helenadalli) 's Twitter Profile Photo

It was a pleasure meeting Guðmundur Ingi Guðbrandsson, Minister for Social Affairs and Labour of Iceland. We spoke of our shared commitment to improve the rights of person with disabilities so they can effectively and meaningfully participate in society and economic life.

It was a pleasure meeting <a href="/gu_brandsson/">Guðmundur Ingi Guðbrandsson</a>, Minister for Social Affairs and Labour of Iceland. We spoke of our shared commitment to improve the rights of person with disabilities so they can effectively and meaningfully participate in society and economic life.
Nordic Co-operation (@nordenen) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Join Guðmundur Ingi Guðbrandsson and Nordic Welfare Centre today at the 16th session of the Conference of States Parties to the CRPD #COSP16 in an event about Co-creating better digital solutions for people with disabilities. #NordicCocreation 🔗LIVE STREAM:…

Join <a href="/gu_brandsson/">Guðmundur Ingi Guðbrandsson</a> and <a href="/Nordicwelfare1/">Nordic Welfare Centre</a> today at the 16th session of the Conference of States Parties to the CRPD #COSP16 in an event about Co-creating better digital solutions for people with disabilities. #NordicCocreation 🔗LIVE STREAM:…
Jorundur Valtysson 🇮🇸 (@jvaltysson) 's Twitter Profile Photo

So pleased to welcome 🇮🇸 Minister for Social Affairs and Labour Guðmundur Ingi Guðbrandsson and his impressive delegation to #COSP16 on disabilities🇺🇳 Started the morning with a working session Iceland at UN 🇮🇸. Important to learn first hand about the various challenges. Work to be done.

So pleased to welcome 🇮🇸 Minister for Social Affairs and Labour <a href="/gu_brandsson/">Guðmundur Ingi Guðbrandsson</a> and his impressive delegation to #COSP16 on disabilities🇺🇳 Started the morning with a working session <a href="/IcelandUN/">Iceland at UN 🇮🇸</a>. Important to learn first hand about the various challenges. Work to be done.
Esther Lynch (@estherlynchs) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Minister of Social Affairs and Labour Market of Iceland puts the consequences of climate change on table and calls for a genuine just transition

Minister of Social Affairs and Labour Market of Iceland puts the consequences of climate change on table and calls for a  genuine just transition
Nordisk Samarbejde (@nordensk) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Avslutande reflektioner på konferensen om Nordens framtid - Islands minister för nordiskt samarbete Guðmundur Ingi Guðbrandsson: ungas röst & språkförståelse viktig. Nordiska rådets vicepresident Helge Orten: mer samarbete, snabba beslut och involvering av befolkningen.

Avslutande reflektioner på konferensen om Nordens framtid - Islands minister för nordiskt samarbete <a href="/gu_brandsson/">Guðmundur Ingi Guðbrandsson</a>: ungas röst &amp; språkförståelse viktig. Nordiska rådets vicepresident Helge Orten: mer samarbete, snabba beslut och involvering av befolkningen.