ID: 155884105
15-06-2010 12:08:09
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The heart of Chinese innovation is dying. (Below, another excellent piece by Radio Free Mobile ) China intends to become a global technology leader but the state of innovation in China is moribund meaning that unless something changes, it will fall further and further behind

This is a common story. Should see the UK's local government pension schemes/plans. All these in-house CIOs and "investment managers" are paid handsomely, but they rarely beat the broad market index. Keir Stammer Rachel Reeves Bloody save the taxpayers' money, get rid of these

Phil Rosen Sam Ro 📈 The Compound Downtown Josh Brown Dan Greenhaus Michael Batnick This chart here. Only the top 10% of households own 70% of the nation’s wealth. If this continues, can’t see anything but more discontent among the masses, strikes, protests, extreme candidates on ballots, more violence & crime, more extremism, etc in the long-term (is that 10

.Tracy Alloway Joe Weisenthal This private equity fund of funds wrapped in a format for retail investors is trading at a 40% discount to NAV. Would be great to hear some experts talk about how such discounts could exist. Isn’t it tantamount to the market saying that current