A farmer-led festival providing a forum for anyone interested in food production and #RegenerativeAgriculture. 2nd and 3rd July 2025
ID: 710832410498342912
http://www.groundswellag.com 18-03-2016 14:17:08
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Heading to Groundswell? If anyone keen will be on couple of panels chatting about out wintering 1) AHDB stand 11:30 with the awesome Thistleyhaugh Farm 🤩 2) seminar tent 2pm Innovative Farmers Pasture For Life chatting about finances of balegrazing as part of AHDB Beef & Lamb project

At Groundswell tomorrow? Black-grass issues? Join us at 11.15am in The Study tent for a black-grass management discussion with Dr Stephen Moss & Garth Clark hosted by the Oper8 project OPER8 ADAS Agricology Organic Research Centre Matt Groundswell #groundswell24

First up Groundswell is Carbon Cowboys - this morning they have launched their 4-part documentary Roots so Deep to the UK #regenag #groundswell2024

It’s a shorts & star on the knee kind of day Groundswell Thank you Alex Cherry for all you’re doing behind the scenes 🌟 #groundswell2024

At the Affinity Water 🦆 stand, odette ménard who has come over from France, is demonstrating how different crop covers can impact water infiltration, and subsequent soil and nutrient movement. #groundswell

We're announcing the winner of the 2024 Soil Farmer of the Year competition today at 5.30pm in the Grass Tent at Groundswell. Come and learn how they prioritise #SoilHealth! Kindly sponsored by Cotswold Seeds and Hutchinsons. #Groundswell24 #Groundswell2024

The team Paddock Farm and chef DAMIAN CLISBY are keeping Groundswell visitors well fed today with their homebred Hereford beef 🥩 ...run don't walk

Our #PrinceWilliam has an engagement today. He is visiting Groundswell. He is there to engage in a compelling discussion about the pressing challenges facing the agriculture sector. #PrinceWilliamIsAKing #ThePrinceofWales

Derek and Tannis Axten (Tannis Axten, Canada) - made their farming moto ‘Loyal to the Soil’, with the goal to always have a live root on their soil. They farm proactively instead of reactively, starting with reducing disturbance to their soil. #groundswell2024 #regenag

“Don’t underestimate the mindset change, you’re moving from a mindset of control, to one of elaborating on natural ecosystems.” Andy Cato Wildfarmed from an absolutely packed Big Top earlier this evening!!

In the Big Top this morning Anna Krzywoszynska and Joel Williams led a discussion on why a move to regen ag is the right move! George Hosier George Hosier and Ed Horton joined the panel. #groundswell2024 #regenag

Anyone who missed Tannis Axten at Groundswell last week has one last chance to see them in the UK this Tuesday in Kent. Talks will focus on intercropping and compost extracts plus bbq dinner. Last call for tix, only ~10 left! ⬇️⬇️⬇️ integratedsoils.com/principles-pra…

Join Dan Kittredge at Stewardship July 17-18! Register here: falklandestate.co.uk/event/go-falkl…

Last chance to grab tickets and make your way to CarbonCallingFarm which starts tomorrow in Cumbria carboncalling.farm