Anja Groth 🇺🇦
Professor at UCPH #NNFCPR
Interests are epigenetics, genome maintenance, aging & cancer, creativity & innovation, society in general. Opinions are my own.
ID: 1364523973447454723 24-02-2021 10:34:26
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Proud to have contributed to this fantastic study led by Christopher Douse . HUSH for the world!…
Støtte til grundforskning af høj kvalitet er investering i fremtiden!! Vigtigt indlæg af Jesper Svejstrup Laboratory
Extremely honored to be invited to write about scEdU-seq as Tools of the Trade article in Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology . Many thanks to Lisa Heinke for the invitation and opportunity! 🎉
Den umulige #kandidatreform: Rektorer, ansatte og studerende advarer om, at det i praksis er noget nær umuligt at indføre etårige kandidatuddannelser på 75 ECTS. DM - fagforening #uddpol…
Still digesting the landmark #Draghireport, but great to see the emphasis on R&I. Very happy with proposal to double support to ground-breaking fundamental research via the European Research Council! And the stance on preserving the ERC's independence.…
We are thrilled to present you our work on BRCA1-BARD1 nature showing that the complex has a direct role in long-range DNA end resection. With Ilaria_Ceppi Maria Rosaria Dello Stritto and our collaborators Pablo Huertas' Lab Sylvie Noordermeer and Seidel labs.…
Great collaboration with the Short Linear Motif team on defining short linear motifs required for cell fitness using base editor screens. Hundreds of novel functional SLiMs to explore! A proteome-wide dependency map of protein interaction motifs…
EMBO DNA Replication symposium -> still in time to register to attend! 👏to our Veiner Marcell and Marina Salvadores Ferreiro - they will have talks on using 🤖#AI and cancer mutation analysis to understand 🧬DNA replication in human cells👇…
Looking forward to a week with great science at the CSHL Epigenetics and Chromatin meeting CSHL Meetings outstanding lineup 🙌 with keynotes by Asifa Akhtar and Kristian Helin
Outstanding science and high spirits at CSHL Epigenetics & Chromatin meeting #cshlepich24 Berger Lab The Nogales Lab Anne Ferguson-Smith Yael David Peggy Goodell Asifa Akhtar Geneviève Almouzni Narlikar, Luger, Jabado
In this episode we talked with Bas van Steensel lab from The Netherlands Cancer Institute about his work on characterizing chromatin at the Nuclear Lamina. #podcast #epigenetics Listen here:…
Kraftig appel samme med Esben Bjørn Salmonsen Danske Studerendes Fællesråd og erhvervslivet. Kandidatreformen har brug for et grundigt gennemsyn hos de politiske aftalepartier, så reformen ikke ender som et forhastet eksperiment vi alle ærgrer os over i fremtiden #uddpol…