Grey Records
Small run record label based out of Saskatoon, Sk. greyrecords.bandcamp.com
ID: 838586751455125504
06-03-2017 03:07:16
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180 Following

‘Get Thee to a Nunnery’ is sure to please those who love The Garrys’s staple surf rock tone, as well as those who are ready for further musical exploration from the sister trio (via Grey Records). Our 7/10 review: exclaim.ca/music/article/…

Yknow those releases that are like double releases? ✌ Nov. 5th at The Bassment with The Garrys and Wolf Willow Band🖖

Happy Release Day to our countrypolitan pals from Shelbyville, @wolfwillowband ‘Old Guitars & Shooting Stars'! is now available on all streaming platforms. Upcoming double release shows with @wolfwillowband and The Garrys Listening link in our bio!

'Get Thee to a Nunnery' is at #6 on the @earshot_online Top 50 Chart for Nov 2,2021. And sitting at #1 on CFCR 90.5FM and CJSW! Thanks so much to all those hosts and shows who took our record for a spin. 🙏 Grey Records 💙💙💙 earshot-online.com/charts/index.c…

A Grey Old Time Holiday Fundraiser for Riversdale Community Fridge. See you at Amigos Cantina Dec.17!

Help us fill the Riversdale Community Fridge over the holidays - you could win a $50 gift card from Amigos Cantina gofund.me/6c04c128

Thanks to the folks at DOMINIONATED for the cool feature on DIY labels across Canada! dominionated.ca/features/the-l…

Pre-orders for Shirley & the Pyramids SHIRLEY&THE PYRAMIDS third album 'Maid of Time' will be available Dec. 2nd! Released jointly thru Fuzzed Up & Astromoon Records (IE/EU) and Grey Records (CA) on beautiful white vinyl!

We are so pleased to curate this show as part of @winterruptionsk featuring Maxwell Raeburn, Extra Flavour and @sohka_music 👽 SATURDAY, JANUARY 28, 7:00PM at The Refinery🎵 Co-Presented with our pals at @soundslikeaudiofest 🖖🏼