Greening Africa Youth Network
Network for African youths focusing on environmental conservation, planting trees and promoting climate smart Agriculture to achieve sustainable development
ID: 1366141053418504195
28-02-2021 21:39:59
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#ClimateStrike Week 78 🇺🇬 Let us keep 1.5 degrees alive. Its time for #ClimateActionNow & let's embrace #PeopleNotProfit. Greta Thunberg Vanessa Nakate We Don't Have Time Bloomberg Green Alexander Verbeek 🌍 Alexandria Villaseñor Nakabuye Hilda F. Fridays For Future #FridaysForFuture #ClimateAction

Thanks HE: Vice President Jessica Alupo for embracing the green #UWEWK22 week, for peaceful, socio-economic transformation of Uganda. Government of Uganda Parliament of Uganda GIZ Uganda Water & Sanitation for Refugees & Hosts Inger Andersen National Environment Management Authority (NEMA) UN Biodiversity IUCN NEMA Kenya East African Community Taasa Obutonde NWSC 😷🇺🇬

Join this wonderful event on 20th.march 8:30pm in your local time WWF WWF Uganda WWF Africa

Trees were planted #planted_prunus_africana Treepoints WWF Makerere University CAES @Envtal_Justice

Join us together with BOYCHILD LOVE ORGANIZATION to achieve planting of 100,000 trees

@Kkush Kimathi DEDAN KIMATHI FOUNDATION MÚtwîrî @ding'oing'o KIPCHUMBA VINCENT Change brings with me and you.. #60kTrees4Life #2022masstreeplanting #ClimateAction

Until you dig a hole, you plant a tree, you water it and make it survive, you haven't done a thing. You are just talking. Last Saturday more than #1000trees planted in Katosi Thanks Fairventures Worldwide Uganda Uganda Youth Biodiversity Network Greening Africa Youth Network

Weekly climate strike for today's in front of National Parliament House, Bangladesh. Greta Thunberg #FridaysForFuture Fridays For Future