ID: 140642712
calendar_today06-05-2010 01:50:18
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11 years ago
Whoa! Miley Cyrus is naked! bit.ly/MDEFtw
@IAmTreGood oxy. Mastermind is pretty good too tho
@FrannykinzLoL What?! You've never watched anime before? Go with Deathnote. The only anime that made me want to watch more from the get go
@FrannykinzLoL them thighs tho
@FrannykinzLoL Was your bum always that big?
@vrgomusic Are you good bro?
@vrgomusic For real. #thesehoesaintloyal I ain't fall in love in a minute. Just been "that" nigga for a while haha
@vrgomusic Damn she's had that much? lol
@vrgomusic Aye I'm outchea haha
@khamalikelly TOP DAWG #TDE Ab-Soul It's the last track of the album. did u even cop it? lol
@vrgomusic Heard Ab-soul's album? If so, whatchu think of it?
@vrgomusic YOOOO his song "closure" could vibe with u right now. shiitt
@vrgomusic "I liked you better when you didn't like me Things just ain't the same no more"
@khamalikelly TOP DAWG #TDE Ab-Soul there's no video
@vrgomusic ayyee
@vrgomusic You need to get in the studio and like musically express this man. Bastard, MMLP style
10 years ago
Having a girlfriend that's been hurt a lot is work... They don't believe anything you say 😳🙅
soundcloud.com/jayflow1/the-f… 2nd verse, my verse, is my best yet
@vrgomusic for real!!! I keep saying that if I was Joey Badass, I'd be comin for her bruh