Gouriprasanna Roy
Professor and Head, Department of Chemistry, IIT Tirupati, Tirupati (Bioinorganic Chemistry/Chemical Biology/Environmental Chemistry)
ID: 912874616082784256
http://gouriprasannaroy.weebly.com/ 27-09-2017 03:00:43
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Infosys Prize 2019 in Physical Sciences is awarded to Prof. Govindasamy Mugesh by our Chief Guest Prof. Amartya Sen, ISF Trustee kris gopalakrishnan and Jury Chair Prof. Shrinivas Kulkarni. "Coming from a family of farmers, it is overwhelming for me to come to this stage" - Prof. Mugesh

@PapotSebastien and my group Chimie ParisTech | PSL are looking for a PhD candidate for a project with a big French company in the field of medicinal inorganic chemistry. We seek a synthetic chemist with a hand-on experience in cell biology (requested!). Send me your CV! Please RT!

New Issue 5 out for JBIC! We are kicking it off with a nice review on a bioinorganic perspective on tuberculosis by Bioinorganic-UFC and colleagues. Plus new hydrogenase stuff, antimicrobials, Re phototherapy, and the growth of urinary stones! It’s all Bioinorganic. Enjoy!

A new way to modify proteins (Covalent Modifiers): Selenoimidazolium salts as supramolecular reagents for protein alkylation. doi.org/10.1002/cbic.2…; ChemBioChem

The latest issue of #JAFC is now online! Our front cover this week shows the regulation of tyrosinase #enzyme activity by selone-based glutathione peroxidase (GPx) mimics. Read the article by Gouriprasanna Roy et al. at go.acs.org/1Sx

Congratulations to Hon. PM Narendra Modi ji for the success of India’s G20 Presidency and for fostering unity between nations for a better future for the people of the world. It has brought in a sense of honour and pride into the hearts of every Indian. Sir, under your

Uncovering the Role of Methylmercury on DNA Lesions at Cytotoxic Concentrations in Glutathione-Depleted Cells: Insights from Experimental and Computational Studies pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/ac… Roy and co-workers Inorganic Chemistry ⭐️Featured Article⭐️ #mercury #DNA #GSH #DFT